Have to admit it was a struggle to motivate meself this morning after waking 3 times in the night probably because I was thinking about work today but once I was up it was ok and the main priority was making sure Lincoln was OK because there was some tears about his new trousers (they weren’t slim-fit) but he soon got over it because he just gets on with stuff, tiredness was a big part of the morning stresses. Once Billy was walked I setup in Lincolns room and started work, the COVID symptoms were a lot better today and until this evening they really did not bother me. I took a lateral flow test which came back positive so no early release but relieved I feel better.
While in Lincoln’s room today I found time to tidy his room a bit because to be quite honest it was a bloody pig sty, most parents would have probably got their child to clean their own room but while working in there it was easy enough to do a little bit here and there and it soon looked a lot better.
Reagan spent the day justifying her time by telling me everything she had done as school work straight after she did it, which just make me smile because she would have been off school no matter what, but I think she was struggling by about 1pm to fill the hours and gave up about 2pm lol More of the same tomorrow Reagan [rolls eyes]
Special mention must go to Mommy who started her new job and I know she will smash it out of the park as she always does and always makes me proud how successful she is and although “employment” might now seem the perfect scenario in her head but there is no pressure for a while but still the money coming in which I think will be a nice change for the foreseeable. Already booked to go down to London in a couple of weeks our job is to make sure we support Mommy while she finds her feet and at times works away for a night or two.