Tag Archive for: pottering

There was a time when my weekend started by going out Friday night getting drunk and carried on until Sunday ‘enjoying’ myself to excess without a thought for the future!

Here’s how a weekend pans out nowadays, as soon as I finish work its time to take Lincoln to cricket 6 till 8 followed by tea and a bit of telly and bed because Jamie has to be up early.

Saturday Jamie gets up early to travel down to London leaving me in bed for a cheeky little lie in. The kids get themselves up nowadays so there’s no stress to make sure they’re ok I can hear them get up and move about and if they need me they know they can come and get me. Then leaving the kids playing on their electronics and after sorting the washing out and getting school uniforms in first and cleaning the kitchen I go and take Billy for a walk. At a loose end for half an hour I painted the door of the Offshed because I’d noticed it looked like it needed it.

Gymnastics next and while Lincoln got a sweat on Reagan and I sat and had a coffee, afterwards we went to buy some food for Billy in Wheelock and then went to Morrisons for some food for me and the kids. We ate at home and then I took them both down to the park, telling them that they had to be back by 4 because at 4:30 I had to take Reagan to her sleep over. All this was interspersed with moving the washing through making sure everything that could be put in the drier was separated and the rest carefully hung on the maid.

Come 4:30 Lincoln and me went to drop Reagan at her mates for the sleepover and we went on to the highlight of the weekend Jake’s 70th birthday party at The Bottle Bank in Holmes Chapel. Now let me tell you, up until arriving Lincoln had hopes that it would be an actual party but those hopes were very quickly dashed, now his only hope was that his phone didn’t die but when it did die he then kept asking me what time are we going….50+ times. We had a lads night afterwards which made up for it Hot Dogs and a Burger from U7 Street Food and watched Guardians of the Galaxy That made him happy.

Jamie arrived home after an eventful car parking incident at Crewe Station?

Sunday after taking Billy for a walk I spent the day in the garden painting the Shoffice mowing the lawn and generally pottering (I love pottering). A bit more washing and putting clothes away while Jamie and the children went to church and then out for a carvery.

By the time I sat down to watch the new series of I’m a celebrity I think I’d achieved a lot but also I thought would my 18 year old self recognise me?

Days sober 10