Post written by Mommy

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Right, I will start off by saying I despise new year’s resolutions. Lord knows I’ve made enough decisions during my time on this earth, that have resulted in disappointment and guilt. I do however completely promote growth and progression and am all for something that makes my time alive more substantial and meaningful. I just read an article that got me thinking, it was written by Michael Moore, someone I’m generally not a huge fan of, but this time he really got me thinking. It was about taking a walk. Sounds ridiculous right? Well he spoke about taking a walk half hour a day to promote a healthy mind and in return he was surprised with a healthy body. Now I will say I do not give two hoots about dieting and loosing weight, I think anything that gives me even a few extra minutes alive with my family is 100% worth the effort, but I will not weigh my food and count calories and kill myself to be something somebody else thinks I should be, life is too short. Anyway, while thinking about this walk, I also started to think that 2013 is the last year I will have both my babies all to myself as Reagan starts school next year:(

Everywhere we go, I notice the couples staring at us, with love and memories of their own flickering behind their eyes, the women that come up to me when I’m with my children and say, ‘please enjoy the time you have, don’t take it for granted, it’s so fleeting and they will be grown before you know it.’ You know what? I want to be the mother that can look back on the lives of my children and know that I was lucky enough to do just that. I am so lucky to have a husband that see’s the importance of a mother’s time with their babies and because he works so hard, and because of a little luck I get to be with my children all day everyday. So I’m going to put both of these ideas together and walk with my babies everyday, not walk to arrive somewhere, just walk to be together, to feel the elements on my face and to appreciate all that beauty that God has given us to enjoy. I realise that sometimes I’ll be busy, sometimes I won’t be bothered but I hope that these feelings are fleeting and I can be remind myself of the feeling I have right now. Enjoy my life and slow it down a bit:)

Yesterday was my first walk, with Alan and the children. Didn’t do much just strolled the canals, talking playing I spy and it was lovely:)
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