Tag Archive for: MADPL

After last nights “incident” I really did forget about it very quickly although a little unnerved at the time it really didn’t bother me once they had left the pub but today I kept thinking I could make it into a joke that I could share on our team WhatsApp by going into minute tedious detail of what I saw as the referee as though justifying myself but then ending on a punchline

A visual aid to the joke.

The Set up:

As you can see from my diagram the white ball here in position 1 was three quarters of a table width from the red object ball position 4 which was 5mm off the cushion thus not frozen (which I checked) The intended shot shown in yellow was supposed to impact the red at point ‘A’ which would result in the red being potted, the white would have made contact then with the cushion and eventually come to rest in the vicinity of position 2 in the diagram. Thus a legal shot completed

In gold you will see the actual shot played, the white hitting the cushion first before feathering the red at point ‘B’ this impact moved the red very slightly sending it on the gold line from point ‘B’ to point 3 but that gold line is clearly taking an arked route over 3mm off a true straight line shown in red this was caused by the table not being levelled before the game began. The unevenness of the table caused the ball to appear to “swerve” towards point 3 but it should be noted that the lack of speed resulted in the white ball coming to rest 25mm away from the next nearest cushion even though the table was trying its best to help the guy out…?

The Punchline

In conclusion then I think you will all agree this proves beyond argument, the mans a cunt!

Bonus Punchline

I mean, even OJ could have potted, well rattled it at least!

So in my head hilarious as usual, but in some of the team members heads a serious plea for justification, reassurance and they practically said “PM me hun” anyway I must stress this was a joke and the incident didn’t bother me at all 10 minutes afterwards…

Away at Feathers B an in form DR went on first and played his usual thoughtful methodical game and without being spectacular ground out a win against a tricky opponent who didn’t look good but you never know whether it’s a good player playing bad and given a chance can punish you to get us off to good start. Foz on next as always made it very difficult to beat him but was also playing a better opponent managed to stay out of trouble and put us two up.

Looking at the players they had sat waiting to play I risked Mike next thinking to go 3 up quickly would heap the pressure on them, he played one of their best players and it took all of his experience to not give his opponent a good enough chance but even so was fortunate mid frame when luck could have produced a finish but leaving no shot on black Mike was able to clear the table with two visits. Going for the jugular I threw PJ in and although up against a very good player he was reduced to his opponents level who was missing a lot of shots and PJ seemed to struggle to finish the job. At 3 – 1 I sacrificed PL against what turned out to be their best player on the night and although Pat will be disappointed not to finish when given the chance taking the wrong ball first meant he was out of position for the finish he was beaten by a good player.

I went on next no matter who they put on hoping to secure the point allowing SH and our wildcard to have a go at getting the win without the pressure I played well but had to be careful not to give my opponent a chance who potted cleanly but he unravelled when unable to pot 4 – 2 and unfortunately SH came up against another good player who potted very well and put pressure on Steve from his first visit so it was left to them to choose our last player and when they chose DR he was surprised and also delighted. Continuing his good form played very well throughout especially when drawn into a tactical frame being patient and not panicking winning the frame easily when from the sidelines he’d looked in trouble mid frame.

So another team win and a very pleased DR winning both his frames and topping the team averages which is always a nice ‘Feather’ in his cap lol

After cancelling last week ecause so many of us were unavailable due to Covid we took on our local rivals and stablemates Turnpike and after DR got us of to a great start with his best performance this season, not a lot went our way after that with the away side benefitting from “home advantage”?

EJ stubbed a shot, after setting the foundations for a win, which turned the frame on its head LF similarly played a weak shot and was punished. DL was under pressure after their guy potted well from the break but just prolonged the inevitable with some good shots.PJ played really well but was uncharacteristically out gunned late in the frame. I went on next and played poorly followed by SH our last player available who played well but lost.

They chose EJ to play the last frame and he really shone in his second frame of the night playing with confidence and was able to win the last frame to make the final score 6 – 2 to the Turnpike.

Week 4 up against a group of lads who are arguably a better side than us but only because they play more frames than per man per week than our team play put together I believe we have better player if we practiced but I think those days have gone but we still compete with no practice and I think that says a lot. PJ and Ej needed to leave early so I played them early and PJ got lucky and EJ played really well and won his frame so we went 2 nil up pretty quickly. Foz went on and made it 3 in his usual way staying in the frame when it’s required and taking his opportunities when they arise. I think putting SH on next was a 50 – 50 choice knowing he has to play and looking who they had left were all strong players but he was not in the frame after the first couple visits and MC broke and needed to pot he didn’t 3 – 2 In hindsight Mike first Steve second would have got a better return but hey ho?

Again looking at what they had left I thought Pat may have to take one for the team and di but he had chances but was eventually out thought so at 3 all I decided I needed to take the next frame to hopefully get the point and then let OJ have a go at whoever he chooses as they only had 7 players. I played ok but late in the frame I missed the last yellow and it almost cost me but I gave him two visits which he ran out of position and then went in off the black with a visit remaining 4 – 3 and a point in the bag so to speak

OJ played well but gave a way a couple of silly fouls and giving his opponent free shots was too much but 4 – 4 against 8 Farmers I would have taken that before the game. I thought of a good joke here (because I am hilarious) they were one player short so really we played the “7 Farmers” [chortle] but then I thought not one of the seven are actually farmers so we actually played no farmers and that isn’t funny so I didn’t bother….hummm?

So we end the year with 5 points from a possible 8 and in the top half of the table bring on 2022

Week 3 and this week we are away at local rivals Boars Head and wanting to keep the winning streak going (ok it’s only one match but it’s a streak to us!) Looking at what went right last week I decided to stick with LF and OJ as the openers but this back fired when both fought hard to get into a winning position only to snooker themselves and throw their frames away. At 2 nil down I thought it needed a captains frame to steady the ship which is exactly what I did even when the referee awarded a full ball snooker to my opponent without even looking but I took a deep breath and avoided letting it affect me. 2 -1 and PL needed to be patient and just wasn’t potting well but eventually running out of lives.

So at 3 – 1 and staring down the barrel DR played a solid frame followed by MC who barring one “odd” miss made no mistake to make the score all square. JL up next playing his first frame in possibly 2 years showed it makes no difference if you have the talent He will admit that some shots were fortunate but no-one would have known watching With a point now in the bag SH just needed to be steady and not do anything rash, well, that’s what I thought, his mind was on playing the pots he could see superbly and if they weren’t there play safe. This left him 4 reds to clear up with the last needing good position to pot it and boy did he deliver to win the match 5 – 3 A great comeback and a well deserved win in the end!

Started a new pool season tonight after the 2019/20 season was disrupted by Covid in March 2020 and finally completed in November 2021 so this new season was quickly turned around so they can try and get back in synch. Our first game was against Dishers away and to put this into perspective I have played 3 frames in 19 months and so have most of my team and that showed with some fine margins is the 5 losses DR & DL both played well but like I said it was fine lines OJ broke off didn’t pot and his opponent cleared up

PJ & MC brought us back into it with some really great pool and then I went on and I thought I played really well and got myself into a winning position only to miss the black twice (so frustrating!) out of players they chose DR & OJ and although the former played well and had chances he gave their guy too many chances, the latter played really well to make the scoreline respectable.

We will get better the more we all play but for now we are back playing pool on a Wednesday