Tag Archive for: Lincoln

it was Lincoln’s turn to perform at Young Voices tonight, finally after being postponed twice because of covid, and it was fantastic. There are hundreds of children there but we were only interested in one and once we picked him out from the masses he was the only kid there lol although it helped that his mate Seth stood next to him with such a distinctive hair style!

It was a superb spectacle, a rock concert atmosphere and it looked like everyone including the parents enjoyed it

We drove to Altrincham and got the tram into Manchester then got a taxi to our favourite restaurant Grand Daddy’s Diner for burgers and wings met up with Chris and Kate and went to the show.

Lincoln finally got to go on a school residential the one he was so looking forward to in April 2020 until the pandemic hit and the world shutdown denying him and his class mates that residential.

This one is only one night away because the school had to cut it short because he and his classmates are singing in Young Voices at Manchester O2 on Wednesday night another COVID casualty rescheduled a couple of times the final one clashing with their residential cutting that short to fit both in.

Today and tomorrow he is in Stratford upon Avon leaving more about William Shakespeare and Lady McBeth, we think because we have had no updates from the school on Twitter (their usual news outlet) so we can only guess?

Our walk tonight with Billy we had to walk past the tree Lincoln hangs off every night and says “Look I’m a Sloth!” without stopping…very sad

I hope he’s having the best time!

A really lovely day weather wise although cool when the clouds covered the sun Reagan was away on a sleep over so I dropped Lincoln and Mommy off at church and went to Northwich specifically to Screwfix (my favourite shop in all the world) to get some descent 7mm masonry bits after struggling yesterday with a blunted bit, but I went in Jamie’s car so I could call into the car wash on the way. The afternoon plan was to go to the Sandbach Transport Festival because Lincoln is quite interested in World War II at the moment and wanted to see the Spitfire they had as an exhibit and he managed to get right up close and personal and loved it.

The Spitfire is the reason we speak English, just a fabulous plane!

The main dilemma today was which car would we have if we could only take on home there was Mini 1275 GT, Vauxhall Viva, Land Rover, Morris 1100, Mercs, Volvo’s, kit cars and motorbikes to name a few but the final three were

  • Bentley Bentayga Speed from £190,000
  • Aston Martin Vantage V12 £265,000
  • RAM 1500 £47,000

Lincoln and Mommy both chose the RAM and I can see why, Lincoln sees the size and masculine look appealing and Mommy is reminded of home but I could not get over how good the Bentley looked and having read up on it when I got home I would choose it every time. The Vantage would be the second on my list because I have always thought that Aston make great sports cars but the Vantage is next level but the Bentley performance stats are on par with it which blows me away so the Bentley gets my vote.

Lincoln loved the Spitfire and said he loved today which makes the day great for me too!

On Thursday after realising a Nintendo Switch was within his grasp and that he can earn it sooner by doing chores Lincoln has turned into the chores King lol

Room tidied, clothes put away, living room and stairs hoovered….”What’s next ma?”

Mommy told me she was summoned by Lincoln as she was about to leave for an hair appointment…

“I’ve decided for my birthday I would like a Nintendo Switch” Lincoln informed her

As she left she told me this and it got me thinking about how much Lincoln has saved in Go Henry, in his moneybox and in his wallet. So with Reagan at Drama class and Mommy having her hair cut I got Lincoln to collect all his money together and meet me in the kitchen

So first he Google ‘How much does a Nintendo Switch cost?’ and from Argos he found one for £260

Next he logged into Go Henry and noted down he had saved £104

He then got a tin opener and he opened his moneybox I knew he would find a lot of money in ther because I had encouraged him to save the cash he got from birthdays and pocket money throughout COVID because there was nothing to spend it on and the tin was sealed so once he’d saved it there was no getting it out. So counting money into piles of £2s £1s then 50s 20s 10s 5s 2s and 1s then jotted the totals on a piece of paper and added them together on his phone calculator, finally adding the Go Henry and getting a total

A little smile appeared on his face when he realised the total was £270

So if a game for the switch costs £40 how much would you need to save to get a console and a game and if you get £5 from Grandad and Nannie Liz per week and £5 off Mommy per week how many weeks will it take to save enough to get both…?

When he realised he could have a Nintendo Switch in 3 weeks he was so excited but I then threw in that if he did some chores he could earn enough to get one in two weeks I could see his brain working, I told him what he needs to do is ask Mommy for chores and earn more to get it quicker!

I will look forward, over the next couple of weeks, to see if my son has learned anything this evening because he REALLY wants a Nintendo Switch so we will see!

I spent today working from home while Jamie and the kids went off shopping at Cheshire Oaks followed by Spiderman movie, when they all got home they were all very tired but when they told me what they got up to there is no wonder. Apparently shopping required two circuits of the mall, a sushi lunch, more shopping, a film and ended with an hour in an arcade in which there was activity walls partaken which looked very energetic…? The best thing I thought was all that fun and not an X-Box or phone in sight!

Lincoln complained of a headache which was almost certainly because he was tired Reagan had been to a sleep over before Mommy picked her up on the way this morning so she was tired too and both went to bed early for a half term off school night haha mind you as I sit here writing this who knows if either are asleep or still up watching TV I geuss we’ll see in a minute?

I have the photos I choose each year as potentials and the photo below appeared while I was sat at my desk at work and it made me smile for two reasons the first because I know Reagan and Lincoln were enjoying the beach so much after wandering around Newquay all day it was great to get the chance to play on the beach for an hour and I love them being happy and I know they were in this photo.

The second reason was it reminded me of a photo taken of me 40 years earlier in exactly the same spot on a family holiday, unfortunately when I found the photo it wasn’t quite as good as I remembered it because there is no background on it to show it was definitely Porth Beach and more importantly I wasn’t on it hahaha. The photo below is not the one that immediately sprung to mind but at least I am on it and it does have the cliffs in the background I would be around Reagan’s age I guess and I would also be feeling as happy as the children do in their photo?

Build a tower from paper and tape was the assignment for each pupil in 5M, build it as tall as you can and the tallest wins…but it must stand up to wind (produced by Mrs Merson wafting a piece of cardboard)

Well apparently Lincoln was able to build a tower almost as tall as himself with a base strong enough to support his tower and ‘rockability’ so that although it swayed in the wind it did not fall over it remained upright after leaning! An ingenious design and meant that it ticked both boxes tall and sturdy but most of all….it beat his mate George Cragg’s effort!

I think they have a friendly rivalry in everything they do but are very good friends too when you watch them interact at Cricket on Friday nights you can tell they are great buddy’s but I think Lincoln sees George as the one to beat because generally if you beat him you will probably be the winner?

They are very likely going to be mates for life!

Reagan and Mommy were laying in bed and apparently Reagan said “You can’t get Covid for 6 months after having it”

I was in the bathroom all heard was Lincoln say “6 months my balls…!”

Slightly taken aback I stopped brushing my teeth and said “I BEG your pardon?”

As I poked my head around the door Mommy and Reagan were rolling around laughing their heads off while Lincoln was laid on the floor with a shocked look on his face waiting to find out how mad I was he then made it even funnier by saying in an inquisitive kind of way “Let me rephrase that 6 months my butt?”

We all laughed including Lincoln when he realised I wasn’t mad hahaha

Lincoln’s conversation at teatime tonight was “If you could travel back in time when would you travel to?” and we had some fun with it but it got me thinking about Mommy’s and my answer compared to Reagan’s and Lincoln’s and it made me realise they have not lost anybody significant in their short lives.

Reagan would go back to Medieval times because she is learning about that at school, Lincoln would go back to when Shakespeare’s plays were being performed and watch him.

Mommy would go back to her grandparents in Wyoming and see them again a specific moment when they drove up to the house and her Grandma would be standing outside the house waiting smiling. I think because they figured so much in her childhood it was easy for her to pick that time and especially because today was the 23rd anniversary of her Grandma’s passing. I know the times Jamie spent at her Grandparents were treasured times because she talks about them often and always in a way that she wishes she could go back and experience those feelings again.

Norma and Harold Miller (Pam’s Parents)

I asked if I would be allowed to take other people with me when I travelled back in time, Lincoln informed me that I could, so I chose to travel back to a Christmas when all my Grandparents would come to our house. These Christmas’s are great memories from my childhood and I would love to take my family back to meet all of them and I know they’d all love to meet Reagan Lincoln and my American wife I can only imagine what they would think of them I am sure they would love them and the feelings would be reciprocated!

The photos above are moments in time and although the faces might not look happy they were such happy times, great memories and definitely times I would love to revisit if time travel was possible.

Photo1 Nan Hilda (My Dads Mum), Auntie Agnes, Auntie Elsie, Gran Garner (My Mums Mum), Nan Nell

Photo2 Grandad, Me, Gran Garner, Auntie Elsie, Nan Hilda, Nan Poole (Nan Hildas Mum), Uncle Frank (My Mums Brother) Grandad Garner (My Mums Dad), Karl