Tag Archive for: Horse Riding

She’s my daughter and that alone fills me with pride and joy, just to tell people that fact. From the moment I met her I fell in love with her and that is still the case, I try to be a good dad to her but sometimes she can be so frustrating.

She’s mommy’s girl although they clash 10+ times a day Jamie would do anything and everything to make Reagan’s life a little bit better and prepare her life and I think my protective nature towards Jamie is my main reason for clashing with Reagan I just can’t stand her being ungrateful for all her mom does for her.

Reagans light comes on when she is riding horses

Horse Riding is something I didn’t think she’d take to, if I am honest, not because she wouldn’t enjoy it but possibly through lack of confidence. I know she can do anything she wants to do in life but maybe she doesn’t realise that at times? Mommy took her horse riding 3 years ago and she’s stuck at it and has become pretty good and loves showing us what she can do like trotting, cantering and her favourite JUMPING

Another thing that floats her boat is afternoon tea, she loves that whole spectacle and it makes her feel so grown up

She seems very popular at school and socially and is growing into a special human being who would do anything for anyone….so long as that anyone is not me lol

Theres so much more to her and I look forward to blogging about her again