Tag Archive for: Gymnastics

I watched Lincoln at gymnastics last week and was amazed how supple he was, even after 12 months out he stood with his back to the wall leant back put his hands on it and walked them down to the floor into crab as if he hadn’t been away?

This week it was:

Warm up stretches
Floor: forward and backwards roll into stand, handstand
Low Beam: jump crouch turn to face opposite direction
1m Beam: Walk jump along beam and dismount
Springboard: On to 0.5m block to stand and handstand dismount to mat
Floor: Handstands and hold against soft wall
Warm down stretches

As I watched I thought they would have to call me an ambulance, halfway through me attempting the warm up stretches! I would either be experiencing severe chest pains or would require a body board to avoid further spinal injuries. Lincoln just glides through all the exercises barely breaking sweat (well he does sweat a bit, it’s a Miller thing apparently) and another thing I notice was while he’s gliding he is making friends with all his fellow gymnasts? Yet again I am thinking if I had actually been able to manage to walk into that gym as a 10 year old I wouldn’t have been able to talk to anyone for weeks until I had assessed everyone thoroughly but not Lincoln he is so sociable and likeable, he gets that from his mom.

I just love the fact that he is who he is and enjoys himself in everything he does!