Tag Archive for: Daddy

182 days ago I sat with Jamie I was drunk and I had been drinking regularly for years and I had reached a point where I wanted to take control of it. COVID and lockdown hadn’t helped but it was just an excuse to drink every single day, I had been doing that, way before March 2020. I had been contemplating stopping drinking for a while but the hardest thing to do is break the habit, to just not drink for a day but with intention of not drinking again for a while, it’s frightening. After all I actually like drinking I like the way it makes me feel, I have had some great times drinking…

So 182 days ago I said I wanted to give up drinking for a year to see if I could, and see how it made me feel? I have succeeded so far but there are 182 more days to go, so this is only the halfway point.
I feel good, generally, I am almost stone lighter at 13st 9lbs but I think my sleep quality is what I am most aware of, I can sleep through most things where as pre 13 Nov I couldn’t, I was a light sleeper unless lots of alcohol was involved.

Will I complete the next 182 days, I don’t know, the hardest thing is denial. Surely a glass of red wine with a meal wouldn’t matter, or a beer in the garden listening to TMS but that is not giving up drinking for a year? The sun is shining today and summer is coming so there are many obstacles in my way to stop me achieving 364 days or one year sober but I am determined to do it!

….but I won’t beat myself up too much if I found my self sat watching the Jags Broncos 30 October with a beer in my hand, maybe? #letsride

A really lovely day weather wise although cool when the clouds covered the sun Reagan was away on a sleep over so I dropped Lincoln and Mommy off at church and went to Northwich specifically to Screwfix (my favourite shop in all the world) to get some descent 7mm masonry bits after struggling yesterday with a blunted bit, but I went in Jamie’s car so I could call into the car wash on the way. The afternoon plan was to go to the Sandbach Transport Festival because Lincoln is quite interested in World War II at the moment and wanted to see the Spitfire they had as an exhibit and he managed to get right up close and personal and loved it.

The Spitfire is the reason we speak English, just a fabulous plane!

The main dilemma today was which car would we have if we could only take on home there was Mini 1275 GT, Vauxhall Viva, Land Rover, Morris 1100, Mercs, Volvo’s, kit cars and motorbikes to name a few but the final three were

  • Bentley Bentayga Speed from £190,000
  • Aston Martin Vantage V12 £265,000
  • RAM 1500 £47,000

Lincoln and Mommy both chose the RAM and I can see why, Lincoln sees the size and masculine look appealing and Mommy is reminded of home but I could not get over how good the Bentley looked and having read up on it when I got home I would choose it every time. The Vantage would be the second on my list because I have always thought that Aston make great sports cars but the Vantage is next level but the Bentley performance stats are on par with it which blows me away so the Bentley gets my vote.

Lincoln loved the Spitfire and said he loved today which makes the day great for me too!

No not Lincoln but Reagan she is growing up so fast and tonight wanted Mommy to show her how to shave her legs which Mommy jumped at the chance to do because Reagan wanted her and sometimes that is the furthest from Reagans mind when her world is revolving around her no-one else matters. Tonight Reagan needed Mommy and I think Mommy loved that?

Questions like: What do I do? How hard do I press? where all answered as Mommy showed our little girl how to do an adult thing…

I hope she can be a child for as long as possible but I see and hear her changing, growing up which is only natural to do but that childhood innocence, once that disappears it’s gone forever and you only realise that when it’s too late.

Don’t try to grow up too fast “baby girl” there’s a lifetime to be an adult and it ain’t as great as you think and DEFINATELY ain’t as good as being a child

It’s just funny it was then and is now!

I have wanted to answer 75 questions that I would like my parents to answer before they die and I have started to do it beginning with 25 questions about my ‘Childhood’ and I will follow them with ‘Family’ and finally ‘Reflection’ I believe the answers will be a good benchmark for how I think now and hopefully I can update them (if necessary lol) in many years to come but for Reagan and Lincoln it may tell them somethings about me that they didn’t think to ask…?

The first 25 can be found in the menu top right of this site.

I have the photos I choose each year as potentials and the photo below appeared while I was sat at my desk at work and it made me smile for two reasons the first because I know Reagan and Lincoln were enjoying the beach so much after wandering around Newquay all day it was great to get the chance to play on the beach for an hour and I love them being happy and I know they were in this photo.

The second reason was it reminded me of a photo taken of me 40 years earlier in exactly the same spot on a family holiday, unfortunately when I found the photo it wasn’t quite as good as I remembered it because there is no background on it to show it was definitely Porth Beach and more importantly I wasn’t on it hahaha. The photo below is not the one that immediately sprung to mind but at least I am on it and it does have the cliffs in the background I would be around Reagan’s age I guess and I would also be feeling as happy as the children do in their photo?

Lincoln’s conversation at teatime tonight was “If you could travel back in time when would you travel to?” and we had some fun with it but it got me thinking about Mommy’s and my answer compared to Reagan’s and Lincoln’s and it made me realise they have not lost anybody significant in their short lives.

Reagan would go back to Medieval times because she is learning about that at school, Lincoln would go back to when Shakespeare’s plays were being performed and watch him.

Mommy would go back to her grandparents in Wyoming and see them again a specific moment when they drove up to the house and her Grandma would be standing outside the house waiting smiling. I think because they figured so much in her childhood it was easy for her to pick that time and especially because today was the 23rd anniversary of her Grandma’s passing. I know the times Jamie spent at her Grandparents were treasured times because she talks about them often and always in a way that she wishes she could go back and experience those feelings again.

Norma and Harold Miller (Pam’s Parents)

I asked if I would be allowed to take other people with me when I travelled back in time, Lincoln informed me that I could, so I chose to travel back to a Christmas when all my Grandparents would come to our house. These Christmas’s are great memories from my childhood and I would love to take my family back to meet all of them and I know they’d all love to meet Reagan Lincoln and my American wife I can only imagine what they would think of them I am sure they would love them and the feelings would be reciprocated!

The photos above are moments in time and although the faces might not look happy they were such happy times, great memories and definitely times I would love to revisit if time travel was possible.

Photo1 Nan Hilda (My Dads Mum), Auntie Agnes, Auntie Elsie, Gran Garner (My Mums Mum), Nan Nell

Photo2 Grandad, Me, Gran Garner, Auntie Elsie, Nan Hilda, Nan Poole (Nan Hildas Mum), Uncle Frank (My Mums Brother) Grandad Garner (My Mums Dad), Karl

Just lately I have found it increasingly difficult to concentrate especially at work, manifesting itself in my mind flicking between lots of jobs and finding it almost impossible to complete jobs that take any length of time over ten minutes, say? I used to be so focused on what I was doing and able to achieve a high completion rate on all jobs but just lately I have so many jobs on the go and don’t seem to be able to find time to finish any of them because something will always interrupt me and then it might be hours or days before I come back to the job and only when someone chases it, and that is just not how I like to work.

I keep wondering if it’s because I don’t believe in what I am being forced to do or the way the direction my work is going, my workload has increased massively with prep work for the computer system but it is not just work I am struggling with it’s everything. I wonder if it has anything to do with sobriety and the reason I say that because that’s been on my mind lately too.

Today is 75 days since I had my last drink, and I have to say it has been pretty easy most of the time but sometimes like now I would love to drown out a night with a session the urge is not enough to ruin 75 or #oneyearsober but it does take up a lot of brain capacity wondering if I can do it, do a whole year and all the things that are heading my way that I would normally celebrate with a drink like concerts, my birthday, holidays cricket, summer etc and then it becomes enormous and seem impossible but also not the end of the world if I don’t do it so why bother I am not doing it for health reasons I needed a break from the habit of daily drinking for the only the reason just to drink.

Maybe work and drink are related right now I am stressed with my workload I don’t believe in what I am working on and normally I would turn to alcohol to just relieve the that stress for a night but I have chosen not to have that option and then that makes things worse.

I love me cup of Camomile and Honey tea before bed and I do not have any trouble getting to sleep at night my sleep is much deeper without alcohol and really I don’t need it but I would love a bottle of wine right now and I bet I will read this back tomorrow and realise the blog point changed throughout because I didn’t concentrate?

I listen to a Denver Broncos podcast most days but usually not live I listen as a podcast after the fact so I decided to send in a comment and it got on air and they discussed it for a couple of minutes


Fast forward to 14 minutes.

We had a day out today in Stoke first, we went to see the couch Mommy bought while we were all isolating and got a VERY good deal in the boxing Day sales but we hadn’t actually been able to see it or sit on it until today. We were not disappointed it was lovely to look at and great to sit on even in the middle of a furniture shop! I saw the smile on Mommy’s face when we sat on it and the footstool too was an absolute bonus when we saw the size of it (and the storage it will create) along with the armchair means we won’t lose any seating space once we take delivery!

We treated the kids to Gourmet4 meal on the way back which Mommy had taken them too before and they had enjoyed but there were a couple of incidents on this visit, firstly we entered a practically empty restaurant and had to wait almost an hour for our food which really irritated all of us. When the food did arrive it was actually ok which avoided me complaining about the wait, but we probably won’t be returning because it was expensive for what they served and we could get better elsewhere with much better service!

The second incident happened during the wait….

Shocking and absolutely not staged

Just had a curry and now sat watching a documentary on murder and comedy (that’s two shows not….well you know what I mean) I am addicted to TV I don’t have to think about on nights like this I just want to just sit and let the programmes wash over me and decompress from the weeks work and I now have to do this without alcohol since 56 days ago (A Whoot Whoot) I’m doing OK with it too not drinking is becoming the norm what does happen is I get reminded that this is a year long sabbatical and that does panic me sometimes and last night it was when we had steak and I just thought I can’t buy a really nice bottle of red wine to compliment a steak if I don’t drink which didn’t so much panic me as disappoint me, that’s a treat denied

Jamie is also finding not drinking on a Friday night easy…