Tag Archive for: COVID

Didn’t feel like a Monday when I got up but it did feel like yesterday a bit of a slow start but soon got going with a walk up Lyme Beds with Billy and Jamie who had reached “freedom day” I was fine going up there but COVID soon took all the energy out of me and the walk back was a struggle….more of a struggle today because Jamie dragged me around the Poperty John’s, Cledford Bridge, Canal walk after Lyme Beds which took it out of me but only when I sat did I realise it!

Once I sat down it was like I was done, it’s such a strange virus I don’t feel ill but once the energy’s gone it’s gone and I have suffered headaches, I have not noticed any other symptoms that I can think of? I go back to work tomorrow and at least I am working from home and should be ok to “take things easy” on the end of the phone but if I was required to go to the office I would probably call in sick.

Lincoln tested negative for the second successive day so he will return to school tomorrow and I think it will do him good because he is bored isolating and Jamie pointed out today that he does like XBOX but I think it’s a lot to do with boredom and not being allowed outside to play and given the option he jumped at returning to school.

Reagan did not test today but her 10th day is tomorrow so she should be able to return to school Wednesday and I think she is pleased she gets another day off especially because Lincoln is going back tomorrow.

Jamie although free to go out is still suffering the effects of having COVID and not booking gym sessions until definitely ready, but tomorrow she starts her new job with London Womens Clinic and becomes “employed” again and I think if she used up all her energy in an early morning gym session would mean an awfully long work day if she feels like I do just going for a walk so I reckon its a good decision for this week at least.

Tomorrow is another day hopefully a better day health wise for me and all the family fingers crossed!

Didn’t feel like a Sunday when I got up but it did feel like yesterday a bit of a slow start but soon got going with a walk up Lyme Beds with Billy and Jamie who had reached “freedom day” I was fine going up there but COVID soon took all the energy out of me and the walk back was a struggle. Home and a day on the sofa beckoned and some NFL documentaries, the kids were fine in their respective rooms playing on electronics and Mommy who was feeling a ton better went to the office to work on her BICA accreditation. I started feeling poorly again at around the same time as I did yesterday and went to bed for a couple of hours getting up about 18:30 feeling OK but felt great after taking a couple of flu tablets and managed an episode of The Tourist before the Broncos vs Chargers game started

It was a challenge watching the first half because my family, with no work or school tomorrow were in the living room having manicures and playing home run

There’s a lot of concern from Jamie about my symptoms or lack of, but I can’t tell what are symptoms or what are just aches and pains from working hard removing skirting boards in readiness for new flooring? If I am honest I am more achy than I would expect from just doing a bit of DIY I also am a bit sniffly but not that much and I feel overly tired for the amount of work I have done but again not excessively. I spend about 4 hours working today similar to yesterday and took a long hot bath afterwards and once I got downstairs for tea I felt ok no worse than I would normally so symptoms….maybe but nothing much so far?

The project removing the skirtings is going well, I removed the hallway and under the front window which had quite bad damp which I had always believed was due to poor brickie work when the house was built because the damp at the bottom of the stairs was caused by this and cured by my Dad who removed the mortar that had dropped into the cavity breaching the damp course and the damp went away, so when I noticed the same thing happening under the window I assumed I need to clear the cavity under the window. I mentioned this to Karl who straightaway said why not try moving the sofa away from the window to allow more airflow and that got me thinking, the curtains were down to the floor and the sofa is pushed back almost to the window sill. When I removed the skirtings under the window today the wall paper was wet and mouldy but the wall behind it was bone dry confirming to me that Karl was correct the damp is cold moist air trapped behind the curtain condensing when mixing with the warm air of the living room.

Our plan is to have new flooring but also to get rid of the sofa and other furniture and replace them with a corner sofa and an armchair under the window and also get rid of the curtains and replace them with blinds, both these things would naturally cure the damp because there would be air flow all around the window area so we just need to decorate the area and it should be fine, which is a lot better than the upheaval the cavity scenario would have been.

Uncle Karl saves the day again, he’s good’un really!

Our PCR tests came back positive a full house all four of us and it’s all Mommy’s fault, I jest of course it was inevitable no matter who caught it first all of us would get it quite soon after because you can’t isolate in the house it’s impractical. So tonight we got a text message with the results, we knew Mommy and Reagan would be positive and it was no surprise Lincoln and me came back positive too.

My symptoms are possibly a headache but nothing else but I may be a few days behind Mommy who can now no longer taste or smell anything and is tired all the time, the kids are fine Lincoln when told just said ok and went back to playing on XBOX, Reagan has been fine today accepting she has COVID and the headaches have gone. So we’ll see what the next few days bring on the COVID front, and hopefully it won’t impact the living room prep for new flooring?

A picture paints a 1000 words

My Christmas bestest present was a DeWalt cordless multitool which I had asked Santa for specifically to remove the skirting boards and boy did it deliver today, making it so much easier than it would have been without it although it still took a few hours to remove them from the kitchen door to the hall door behind the sofa, once it was done I put all the furniture back and because it was so neat you could not tell I’d removed them unless you looked. Tomorrow I will hopefully be able to remove a lot more but will need to pack the Christmas decs away first before I can start.

Staying healthy is the most important but it really would be great if I can get stuff done and waste the rest of my break feeling ill!

Yep, why take a lateral flow test when we can have a family trip to the walk in Covid test centre in Winsford and get a PCR test each? Well Reagan tested positive this morning and was worried that she was going to get sick but we explained to her that she was already sick, the headache and lethargy she was feeling were the symptoms and probably the only thing she will endure. Mommy’s taste is disappearing and she is a bit up and down with other symptoms like lethargy and blocked or phlegmy sinuses which is good if that’s all she suffers, we just need to get through this as best we can. Lincoln’s lateral flow was negative when I got back from taking Billy for a walk and there didn’t seem any point me wasting a lateral flow test if we were all off to the walk in test centre to get a PCR done.

I know going to the store to stock up on food was not strictly what I should have done but while I had not tested positive technically I still could according to the rules so I got some supplies and then we all went to get tested. Reagan getting a positive test had the opposite affect on me it sort of took my mojo away and I spent the rest of the day lazing around not doing much really least of all skirting removal.

Apart from eating tea three of us sat and watched Stand by Me while Reagan sat in her room talking to her mates on her new tablet. The film had more grown up content than either Mommy or me remember but he did enjoy the film and it was just what I wanted to end today.

I haven’t mentioned last nights game because it didn’t go well losing 13 – 17 in Las Vegas even thought defensively we played great turning the ball over 3 times but offensively we managed 158 yards total and the lone touchdown came when Bradley Chubb intercepted Derek Carr and got the ball to the one yard line leaving the offense one yard for Devonte Williams to walk it in. The loss means mathematically our season is still alive but realistically we’re done and should be looking towards next season and in my opinion new coaching and hopefully a quarterback but the ownership is also changing in the spring which could complicate things. I am hoping the rumours about Peyton Manning being involved in the new ownership in some capacity because I think he would be good for the organisation. I am #DBFL win or lose!

Went to get my COVID booster jab today and it was really well run as it was when I got my first two jabs in the summer, from arriving and the car park attendants showing you to your spot right the way to being shown off the car park the same attendants.

On arrival I was asked if I felt ill or have a persistent cough etc and then had my temperature taken and booked in, I was then asked to wait a couple of minutes for a station to come free, I then sat down at station 1 and received the booster jab.

Afterwards they showed me to the 10 minute waiting area, as I walked towards it there were very few chairs available but I was shown to a spare one and told to sit down. As I sat down I looked around and everyone was just sat there staring at this big clock because they can not get up until their 10 minutes is up. I asked the lady next to me if this was compulsory to which said I have no idea.

I beckoned the guy that showed me to my seat and asked if sitting here was compulsory and he said it was advised in case you feel nauseous or light headed…I thanked him for the information and got up and left. I didn’t look back until I was outside but smiled to myself as I saw a lot of the people who were at near me were pouring out, it just made me think how the British find it very difficult sometimes to question “authority” they just do what the majority do…?

Hey Ho 15 minutes from leaving the house to being back in the house, brilliant!