Tag Archive for: Birthday

The usual start to a Forster birthday this morning, we always start with Clare Grogan singing Happy Birthday I heard Reagan in her room way before our 6:30am alarm went off and when she did come in to our room she’d already curled her hair and was really excited to got see if she had any presents another tradition is also that I or Mommy go down first so that we can video the present opening. Breakfast after that and this morning was pancakes and bacon as requested by the birthday girl.

A little ride up the road on her new bike before she had to go to school. After school both Reagan and Lincoln went to the park for a bit before Mommy got off work and we went for a family walk although Reagan went on her new bike.

Tea was mac n cheese followed by cupcakes and scrabble all in all a pretty good birthday

Happy 12th Birthday Reagan Grace…

Reagan is at that age…and that age is 12 tomorrow, I know where has that time gone? Todays photo is what her Mom has spent weeks preparing and all night presenting to give her daughter the BEST 12th birthday she could give her.

Reagan is such a great child and she makes me proud everyday but occasionally she can forget just how much her mom loves her and doesn’t realise that her Mom would do anything and I mean ANYTHING to make her happy.

I hope one day that you get the opportunity read my blog and get to really know me and how I felt I hope its a great insight into me your dad, but most of all I hope one day you read this post and realise that you have the BEST mom in the whole world and the photo below makes you smile and think of her!

Happy Birthday little dude!!!