Tag Archive for: Billy

I love having a dog, it’s man’s best friend and Billy lives up to that 99% of the time… I love taking him for a walk and playing with him and when we are at home I love just having him around me but at night he disappears into his cage in the kitchen and doesn’t come out because he has something, something he thinks he shouldn’t have like a sock or a piece of litter ffs?

No idea why but its disappointing to sit in the living room at night and he is in his cage scared to come out because he has something so his cushion infront of the roaring fire sits empty


Billy is a pretty a good dog and I am always trying to train him, but unfortunately he is not perfect, his recall 75% and his retrieve and general field work is similar but can falter when there are distractions. His walk to heal is OK at best but since he was attacked by a small black terrier about 12 months ago he can be very protective \ aggressive when we walk upto and past dark coloured dogs and he can be the aggressor at times which is annoying because he really is better off the lead but I can’t take the risk of him mithering innocent other dog walkers.

This morning we were walking towards a dog that we have previous problems with since we happened upon him and his owner coming down onto the canal as we were coming up and off it and I dragged Billy away which was just my reaction rather than it being necessary but he has remembered my reaction and the dog since. We see them a couple of times a week and have slowly reintroduced the dogs as we pass standing talking while the two of them test each other out Billy normally having to be pulled away as he scrats and snarls at the other dog.

The last time we met the other dogs owner said we should just see what happens if both dogs are off the lead because his is always better off the lead, well this morning that opportunity arose as we approached each other and they were already both off the lead so we shouted to each other to mutually agree to leave them off. Annoyingly they were fine and although Billy was tentative he just carried on sniffing paying some attention to the other dog but not much and after a minute of interaction we passed and that was it no drama at all.

It’s always the owner never the dog and that owner is me in this case I send negative vibes down the lead when I see this dog (or any other dark coloured dogs) approach and Billy just thinks he needs to protect me and show aggression so I need to work on walking to heal so the lead is always loose and not pull on it when i see dogs approach I need training and then I can pass it on to the Billmiester

Butter wouldn’t melt….?

So I have finished for Christmas and that means I can take Billy for a better walk than he normally gets, everyday. We went for our morning walk as usual but then after dropping Reagan off at horse riding we stopped at the bottom of Byley Hill and walked along the river doing lots of training along the way including retrieve, directional retrieve, stop retrieve etc Billy loves it even though fetching a ball is his favourite it’s all about pleasing me.

He is very good at retrieving and is pretty steady when told to wait, I am teaching him to leave a dropped dummy as we walk away from it then go back for it when told I love training him and on cold dry mornings like today there is nothing better than an hour along the fields just me and Billy.

I decided to take some time for myself today and just go for a walk so I got Billy and headed down the canal towards Sandbach and turned at Dragons Lane and headed towards Wimboldsley. It was a crisp day when we set out but it soon started to snow which I can’t remember the last time we got snow in Middlewich this early but what started out just a few small whispey flakes turned into an inch of snow by late afternoon.

We walked to the end of the Roman Road and called Jamie to see if she fancied meeting us for a coffee at Hopley Farm

Jamie and I went for a walk up to Norman’s Wood to let Billy run off a head of steam. We were hoping for a lovely crisp frosty morning but what we got was a dark wet blustery November morning, not that Billy cared!

Fetch it Billy!

It may have been wet but what a beautiful autumn scene everywhere you looked