A few years ago I had a problem with my boiler, and after British Gas trying to charge me £360 on top of the full cover insurance on boiler breakdowns that covers everything except this actual fault, I got a friend of mine who is a plumber to come and remove the heat exchanger so I could clean it out and he came back later to refit it once it was clean. This is a common fault with “combi boilers” and since that first time he has been back again to do the same job once more but that was 5 years ago now at least. So a couple of weeks ago when our boiler started playing up I was almost certain that it was again time to clean the exchanger, the problem now though is its not just me but we have Reagan to bath and feed which could be tricky with no running water for 24 hours.
We have been muddling along with this fault progressively getting worse for the last 3 weeks when on Tuesday morning I had a shower followed by Jamie a little while later and hers was freezing cold (to say she had a ‘moment’ would be understating what happened next but right at the end of it she said “JUST GET YOUR MATE ROUND TO FIX IT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE”
Anyway he arrived yesterday morning and took the offending part out and left while I filled it with the first of 3 doses of Fernox it was going to get over the next 24 hours. When you have no running water for whatever reason it makes you appreciate the convenience of it like filling a kettle or washing pots etc, it all becomes difficult we had a bath full of cold water so we could flush the bog at least and I had filled all our pans with water so that we could at least exist without asking for too much help.
The adults of the household survived and the Reaganator did not realise anything was wrong even when dad did bedtime last night and she was bathed in the sink downstairs because it was closer to the kettle although the stress of bedtime did turn me to drink (whiskey)
Reagan and me in our eliment setting up 2 laptops
Reagan and me had plenty to occupy us
This morning the plumber returned and fitted the now clean heat exchanger back into the boiler and tested it and upto now we have piping hot water and heating when required FINGERS CROSSED
I might just have a lovely hot bath tonight, why? because I can!