There are so many things going on in our lives at the moment and all of it is so new, good and exciting. School is kind of kicking my butt at the moment but I absolutely love every second of it. It is so easy to get stuck in the world of play dates, primary colours and ABC’s but now I feel that I’m using my brain again and it feels really good. Our children are growing so fast and becoming so fun and animated. Being their mommy, by far, is the most difficult thing I have ever done and 100% the most rewarding experience of my life.
Another exciting thing is that we have bought our tickets to go home this summer! I cannot wait as this is Lincoln’s 1st trip to the states. Alan’s mom is also coming with us, which I am so happy about. It’ll really be wonderful to show her around and for her to see where I come from. I cannot wait to see my parent’s and baby sissy. Plus I think I will see all but one set of my aunts and uncles which is very special and can’t wait to see my babies playing with all their cousins!
I’ve recently come into contact with a dear friend from my early childhood, hell who am I kidding she was my only friend lol I have always wondered where she has been and wanted to find her again so am really excited to get to know her.
I’m also preparing for my confirmation in March, and have been doing my classes for the last few weeks. I have been invited to teach Kingdom tots, which is the preschool section of ‘sunday school’, every few weeks, which is really exciting. I am enjoying being a part of the church again and growing in my relationship with God , it feels like coming home. Hopefully I can teach the children that you can be a tolerant, loving, follower of Christ without being bigoted and narrow minded;) My children both enjoy going to church and are quite comfortable there, which I think is a good thing. There are a few people there that really mean a lot to me. It’s because of those few that I have chosen to be so involved.
Anyway enough gushing! I know that sometimes people write things and behind their words is hidden pain but there really is none of that in my life anymore? we are so happy together and such a wonderful team that there is nothing to be sad about? Family stress, life stress doesn’t exist much in this house, what’s the point? worrying about things generally does not change anything and it’s much easier to love each other, love our children and just get on with it. I just cannot imagine being any happier right now? wow I’ve waited a long time to feel this good. Love you dudes