So we may have sussed this weeks problems sleeping, it may be down to a bad belly Wednesday and the onset of a cold which is causing a runny nose and heavy breathing Jamie rang the doctor this morning and they said bring her straight in…!

Although it isn’t serious to us a runny nose when you don’t understand that you need to blow your nose can become serious and already you can hear her chest is a little rattly so they and we don’t want to take any chances. I will post here when I here how and what went on at the doctors

What a difference 24 hours makes I woke this morning at 06:30’ish and both Reagan and Jamie were asleep as they had been all night and even after returning from the bathroom and getting back in bed they were still asleep. I lay there at a loss to know why last night she slept through, I did bedtime while Jamie went to the gym and it was pretty uneventful although Reagan did SCREAM as loud as she could for 5 minutes when I was getting her into her jamas…not sure why she does that but it’s so stressful for me and I’m sure for her too? She fell asleep drinking her bottle although she did drink the whole lot whilst asleep which is pretty weird to watch and because of this I didn’t wind her I just laid her in her cot and switched the light off. I didn’t hear her for the rest of the evening and when Jamie and me went to bed the first we heard of her was this morning?

When at 06:59 Reagan did start her chirping we smiled and joked about how lovely it is to hear when it IS! time to get up and how much better we feel when we haven’t been up half the night with her! I just wish I knew how to make her do that every night!

At around 5am this morning I heard Reagan stir but only very briefly and quietly but once I had heard her I wasn’t able to go back to sleep so lay there for maybe five or ten minutes as she gradually woke up more and more until she was nearly shouting. During this time I felt Jamie wake and she too was listening to Reagan chirping away to herself as loud as she could and I said if it wasn’t 05:15 you think it was hilarious and we actually both laughed.

The chirping gradually changed into a sort of cry when she slowly realised that dad hadn’t come in to pick her up, change her nappy and take her into mom for booby. At this point you know she is not going to go back to sleep and it was mom who cracked first and volunteered to try and settle her back down, but I just lay there awake for the next hour until Jamie crept back into bed leaving Reagan asleep.

We lay there trying to relax but I knew both of us were just listening and praying she stayed asleep but then we heard the binky drop from her mouth and then you have a couple of seconds silence before she starts to cry again and both of us let out an audible sigh wondering what is wrong and why she won’t sleep.

The plan was for me to go and make a bottle while Jamie soothed her but in the end Jamie went to make a bottle  and I was about to go into Reagan but she went quiet so I just sat on the bed and listened and again I smiled to myself because Jamie was down stairs making the bottle I was sat on the bed awake and Reagan had nodded off and was sound asleep again, I’m sure with a cheeky little grin on her face.

I heard Jamie coming back upstairs and whispered to her that she had gone back to sleep so we went back to bed and whether I actually fell asleep I’m not sure but it was 06:58 when we heard the bin lorry reversing up the road and without a word exchanged we both dived out of bed simultaneously to close all the windows shutting out the very loud noise and again smiled as we stood there silent listening to see if she’d disturbed.

We slid back into bed and I lay there for another half an hour before it was time to get up, I  looked at Jamie who was asleep and then I walked past Reagan’s room and she too was asleep so I crept downstairs and took Jack for a walk trying to wake myself up…!

Reagan has slept through the night for most of her 18+ weeks of life so we haven’t done bad and they say if you can get sleep when you have a small baby then you can cope with everything else but if you start missing sleep everything starts to become hard and I can say that is definitely true. I love her to bits but I wish she could tell us what she needs because she didn’t come with a manual and Mom and Dad are at a loss to know what to do?

Topsy & Turvy
Why are you up there dad?

Was woken at 01:30 approx by Jamie sat on the edge of the bed telling me she felt ill…?

I love Jamie and loved the fact that she got out on a “girls night” and would do anything to make the aftermath a little easier and I know better than most how to live through a hangover….!

First of all you got to sleep, usually pass out, but you have to sleep so I spoke gently and told her to lie down but I knew it was difficult but she must have dosed off because the next time I sensed her was her getting out of bed to throw up about 3am and I felt and heard her do that a couple more times during the night.

I heard Reagan at 7am and got up gently so as not to disturb Jamie and went to the bathroom to clean my teeth and wash then went into Reagan’s room but she was asleep again so I gently got back into bed and it wasn’t until 08:45 that I eventually went to get Reagan and change her and take her down stairs to watch CBEEBIES while I made Jamie some toast and fetched her some iced water. Once I knew she was sort of ok I went to sort Reagan’s breakfast before checking Jamie again and leaving for a long walk in the sun.

The highlight of this summer has and is definitely taking Reagan and Jack for a walk and this morning was as good as it gets everyone I meet showing interest in Reagan and Reagan giving every single one of em a big smile…perfect.

When I got home I gave Jamie the orange lucazade and chocolate for a sugar rush and then the choice of eggs and bacon or a cream cheese tomato chicken and salad wrap, she chose the latter and I just kept telling her that eating will get you through this. Although after eating the wrap she didn’t seem to feel better having food inside you is definitely the way to feeling better, sure enough next time I went to check she requested another!

Reagan and I just played games and made sure mommy was ok all the time made sure she had everything she needed. It wasn’t until teatime when Jamie was bathed and up and about that she said she felt better but had no energy so I made mash potato’s chips and chicken and then she was finally good.

I loved my day with Reagan we really enjoyed our selves and yes it is hard work even just for one day but the rewards are fantastic and she is so happy with everything you do with her!

Sounds like she had a ball and so what she had a hangover….let anyone say they would never get hungover and I will call them a liar or a non drinker…!

Drinking is like falling off a horse, it hurts for a while but the best thing to do is get straight back on it!

England on gas telly and its time to believe again….lol!

Jamie was invited out and came up with every excuse and reason why she shouldn’t but I said GO! it will do you good to get out and let your hair down for a bit. Actually she pointed out that this would be the first “girls” night out since moving to England so it was well over due and very well deserved and I sit here honestly hoping that she can forget about us (yes I know she won’t, but you know what I mean)  for a while and relax and enjoy a night out!

Reagan is in bed bathed fed winded and asleep the bedroom (where Jamie had tried on 20 outfits and discarded 19 of them on the bed and the floor) is tidy so is the living room and kitchen, the washing is folded although sat on the kitchen table still because I don’t want to go upstairs too many times in case I disturb Reagan and I have just sat down to watch England play the last half hour against Bulgaria with a glass of red wine and the blind belief that we’re good again (they have scored 3 since I sat down and are winning 4 – 0 so here we go again?)

I love Jamie she is a tonic to me and Reagan and is so bulletproof when the going gets tough and things don’t go according to plan with Reagan and sometimes me 😉 even though sleep deprivation can test that resolve to the limit sometimes, she is ACE and holds us all together and can’t wait to here how it all went!

Reagan is ACE!

I was just going to leave it at that but thought I would tell you about the things she does now. She was 18 weeks old on Wednesday and she is such a happy baby. She smiles all the time and is now just about giggling at anything and everything so long as you say “ah oh!” first?

Standing up is her favourite position and her tummy is her worst position, I don’t think she will crawl for long if at all she will want to be walking. As for rolling over it hasn’t happened yet but I believe that is because of her dislike of what happens when she does, so doesn’t try too hard.

Sitting upright is a must now she loves to be able to see everything that’s going on and moans if what’s going on doesn’t involve her and has learned to moan until she gets attention…just like her mama!

Food has had to move on because, mom’s milk and bottles are just not enough for a 19lb+ baby and we are supplementing not weaning with rice and porridge, mom adds a bit of veg in too for variety. Up to now Reagan has experienced carrot, broccoli, cucumber banana and potato and mommy is always trying her with other things if she can.

Sleep is hit and miss at the moment but luckily for us though its predominantly hit and she sleeps through most nights, we just remember the bad nights a lot more lol Routine has helped Reagan a lot and also allowed us to have some evening time together without her which is great.

Reagan is so inquisitive and is learning every second of everyday and it makes me happy to see her do new stuff recently her hand coordination improved along with her grip and she is now able to get the thing she wants most times and almost do what she wants with it too and gets better everytime she tries. Its fascinating to watch her work it out.

Wind is a absolute fixation for her when trees and things move because of it and loves looking out of the window at the world and I’m sure thinking wow. She loves to be sung to even dads awful rendition of Lilly the Pink but if we sit in front of the computer and watch cartoons she can’t take her eyes of it except when her lids get too heavy to hold up any longer and she has to rest them on her bottom lids for a while lol

Her pram and car seat are just too relaxing I think because she falls to sleep every time she is in them which can be dangerous in the evening because if she has a lovely nap when we go out for a walk she can fight bedtime for longer

I honestly think she is the best thing I have ever done and I know Jamie thinks exactly the same way!

Curry & Beer Thanks Jamie!!!

Me & Reagan watching Wind & Rain

I had our first 250 Reagan photo’s printed
so mommy can fill albums

My family

The bush Pam Jamie and Reagan planted

Bank Holiday lie in WOOOwooo yeh!

Chillaxin with mama

These are photos and videos of Reagan’s very first experiences of “solid” food

OK Dad What is it? and Why isn’t it in a bottle?
Ok give me the spoon, let me try!
Hummm this isn’t as easy as it looks?
Ooh! there it is…
There has to be an easier way!
Arhhh perfect!