So Reagan is now fully mobile having mastered the art of crawling and can explore the whole house almost safely…! I say almost, because everyone was right, the level of nice stuff in the house is being raised every time Reagan reaches something and boy does she reach EVERYTHING! I wonder just how amazing everything is now for her because she can get to all the stuff that has surrounded her her whole life and have a darn (yes I did say darn!) good look at it all and find out how it feels and tastes.

We watch her explore the living room and she has a knack of finding the things you don’t want her to have but then you go over and take it off her and she screams as if to say “I found it dad, jeez, why do you always take the good shit off me?”

Then she crawls across the freshly hoovered floor stopping to gently pick up the ONLY bit of fluff or small stone  I missed with the hoover rolling it between her finger and thumb while studying it intently processing the information she is gaining by touch and sight and savours her prize. All this gives you just enough time to say “NO!” whilst dashing to her as her mouth opens intending to use her sense of taste on whatever it is, and take it off her making her scream again through frustration, but we can work on the screaming over the next few weeks!

We also need to work on house cleanliness and by that I am in no way saying it’s dirty but it’s just not good enough to just flick over the floor any more or not move furniture everytime we hoover because CSI Reagan will find it if you miss it. As for valuables put them away for a few years or say goodbye to them cage in the dangerous stuff and the rest scream NO! until she learns hahaha….!

Reagan and I got up and went to wake mommy up so we could sing “Happy Birthday” to her and give her the cards we had written out and the present we bought. Mommy’s big smile when we went in made it all worth it because we could see she was really really happy, so we sat on the bed and watched as she opened her cards and watched her burst into tears when reading her first “To Mommy” birthday card! After opening her present it was time for me to get ready for work and left Reagan playing happilly next to mom on the bed while mom read the bajillion Facebook birthday wishes she’d had on the laptop!

We had also arranged a baby sitter in the form of Auntie Karen who had kindly said yes, so we could go out for a meal after work so we got ready while she fed and off we went to an Italian restaurant in Little Leigh Marco Marco and I have to say the food was excellent the mozzarella was very good the calamari was tender and perfect starters, then the seafood linguine was very tasty and the perfect amount and Jamie had Penne Romeo I think she fancied hot sausage…? Any way she succeeded it made her lips tingle oo er Mrs!

She said it was one of thee best birthday’s ever so that’s something and I’m glad coz me and Reagan wanted mom to be happy

Romantic dinner 

Jamie and me were talking during Reagan’s bathtime about our day and how it made us feel proud to see our child achieve something. Today as you’ll have seen Reagan began crawling and we were both there to see it happen. For half an hour it seemed like I held my breath watching her and willing her to succeed, and desperately trying not to just gather her up and dance with her held high.

We just had to sit and just smile and encourage her the best thing was we were capturing it on video which feels so special!

That feeling in my tummy and that warm glow, that puffed out chest and that overwhelming urge to burst into tears (which of coarse I never would coz Im northern) I only realised I had, later when sat back and reflected on the day.

I know I do things I’m proud of personally and they make me happy and never think that someone else may be remotely interested in what I do, let alone be as proud as I am for doing it….maybe my mum and dad look at the things I do, however insignificant to others, and maybe they are proud of me sometimes too?

As a parent myself now, I know how it feels to watch my child do something EVERY single person on earth has done before but when Reagan crawled today I was more proud than I have ever been before!

I feel great right now, and on top of the world because my daughter crawled today.

We were so lucky this morning to be sat as a family having a lazy Sunday morning when Jamie noticed that Reagan was up on all fours rocking so I got the camera out and just started filming what was happening and we witnessed and got on film Reagan’s first actual proper crawl and the process she did to get there!

If you look and listen to her parents you will see and hear the proudest mom and dad in the whole world!

I ain’t showin’ me teeth no way!

Don’t make me laugh mom!


Covered again sorted!

Damn me bottom set too


Be with you in sec dad, but there’s a camera!
OK I know, forward…?

Forward, not backwards!

This is sooo much fun!
“Goodnight Grandma”

9 loads of washing all dried folded and put away and she’s still as keen as mustard for laundry, if you don’t want it washing don’t take it off? Hahahah I’ll let you know when I have to wash again, can’t imagine it will be long!

Reagan went to see the health visitor yesterday and here is the brief run down Jamie sent to me afterwards:

She is perfect and right on her little baby schedule. She weighs 24lbs 11oz! Her head is measuring at the big end of the spectrum BUT not for Reagan because she’s always been at the high end of the spectrum on everything, so she’s all right! She passed all sight, hearing and dexterity tests and we were told that she may not actually crawl for months in may happen today or she may just get up and walk every baby is different.

No more formula in the day (too many calories now) a bit in the morning but cows milk on her wheatabix and no bottle for nap time at me mum’s except maybe water.

At night if we are quite sure she’s ok and just wants attention just let her cry..she said it’s the hardest way for us but fastest result so when she wakes up at 9:30 don’t go in at all just let her cry it out could take a while the first few times but should ease up after a week or so…

We knew she would be fine in all areas but it nice to hear someone tell you your child is healthy and developing as she should be. It was also nice to be able to asked the questions we wanted to ask and get reassurances on what we are doing is right or how to alter what we do for the best

Well done Reagan!

At her seven month development appointment although she is over eight months old already the health visitor said going to Reagan when she wakes up is a mistake…not a bad one and certainly one nearly everyone makes, but a mistake all the same. She said that everyone sleeps in cycles of around 90minutes and as adults we don’t actually wake up but come out of deep sleep into light sleep and then back to deep sleep again what Reagan is doing is waking during light sleep and ooh I’m awake its dark if I cry someone will come….and we do!

She said that however hard it is to let her cry it will train her quicker than actually weaning her off being comforted back to sleep each night.

Ironically I was on me own last night and got Reagan down as normal and went downstairs to wash up dishes, I heard her begin to cry but thought I will just finish off the dishes then I will go up to her checked the monitor again after a couple of minutes and it was calming and when Jamie returned 10 minutes later she was asleep again and we never heard her until 08:30 this morning. Jamie even had to go and check on her at around 22:30 because it was so unusual lol!

So from now on “no matter how hard it seems….” 🙁  Reagan will be left to cry it out, tough for both of us but mommy is on her own tonight so I just hope Reagan sleeps through similar to last night

…fingers crossed!