Reagan is now fine and back to her best although we have a different Reagan than we did a week ago, in that she is very full on needy with a tantrum thrown in when she doesn’t get exactly what she wants…?

A test for us as parents because although she is a beautiful child most of the time we have definitely had it easy up to now because she has been so laid back and easy going we have never had to think hard about how to parent her. We discussed what we need to do or change that would help make her happier and stop the tantrums and point her in the right direction but  realised we need to work out what’s wrong first?

We doubted ourselves and whether we are doing it all right but came to the conclusion she must be bored because she is perfectly happy if you’re playing and interacting with her but you can’t do that all the time…can you? There must be a technique a knack a tip a way to be able to actually live, and, have a 10month old entertain herself without the WHAAAA HU HU WHAAAA HU HU HU HAAAA HURRR WHAAAA?

How do you entertain a thing called Reagan when that thing called Reagan requires entertaining from the moment she see’s you walk into her room and smile to the moment her eyelids become just too heavy to keep open?

We’ll work it out but right now we’re just happy to have her healthy again….

Last night was brilliant I got home to find Reagan snacking on biscuits and fruit and looking a lot perkier than the last few days. She had a couple of wet nappies but we were waiting for a second firm nappy to be sure the diarrhea had gone away before we could worry a little less.

The biggest change was her demeaner and her energy levels she was happier and was back to crawling around getting into everything again and it was great to play with her for an hour before tea walking her making noise and giggling with her.

Tea was sheppards pie and Reagan devoured the mash but wasn’t too keen on the mince although she did eat some of it, we suplimented tea with some bread and a biscuit thinking it was dry and would help her belly plus if she’ll eat she can have it…for now!

During tea she took dump (aw bless) and mommy and Daddy looked at each other, first thought being “Why does she always do this at the marital kitchen table?” and the second thought was “hope she’s firm!” We quickly finished tea and then I changed her nappy, and it was firm! We played with her little after that but all the tired signs were being displayed by Reagan and Mommy too so we did bathtime and got her into bed where she fell asleep very quickly.

Mommy actually had a bath and got into bed too so I sat on the computer next to her and worked on this site until I could stay awake no longer.

Reagan woke around 05:00 so mommy made her a bottle and we didn’t hear her again until 08:00 when she got up bright as a button. Her nappy was a little dirty and very wet so it looks like we are on the mend. She is still a bit fussy with food but the health visitor said this could happen as babies associate the foods thay ate during illness with the illness and it may take a while to get them back to normal so we will see. For now though both mommy and baby are out of the house getting some fresh air and escaping the confines of the home they haven’t left since last weekend.

Reagan went to bed early last night even though she had only been awake for a total of 4.5 hours yesterday and we hadn’t seen a wet nappy just runny nappies all day. Some what surprisingly she slept through till 8am and woke with a wet nappy which was a relief and was quite perky but we were wary as it isn’t until dinner time when her illness really kicks in and she goes down hill fast.

Well the first bit of good news today was a message from mommy saying Reagan’s first nappy of the day was wet so evidence of hydration which was a relief but the best new came just before dinner that she had firmed up too with only the slightest hint of runny poop.

I suspected she was feeling better by her standing in front of me at breakfast wolfing down any begged food from my breakfast plus a whole banana and drinking water with ‘gusto’ like she does when she’s well, but until she retains it all we were not sure! Mommy had rung the doctor and set up an over the phone consultation but by the time he rang back I was stood watching Reagan eat her dinner of a biscuit, baby cottage pie from a jar, bread and loads of water to wash it all down 🙂

Although this morning she was a little lethargic that is probably due to having no energy reserves and she did sleep for a while during the morning but was apparently dancing along to the Telletubbies just before dinner! She might not be 100% but hopefully she is over the worst of it.

…more later!

We have a very poorly Reagan still after five days and Mommy and Daddy are concerned!

Mommy has and is being so strong for our little “chicken noodle butt” considering she’s seen more shit than Clinton experienced over that Monica Lewinsky “incident”?

She will go back to the doctor tomorrow if there is not a dramatic improvement because Reagan is loosing weight and it’s visible, you can see it in her face and you can feel it when you pick her up!

She has 100% faith in us….she feels ill and doesn’t want to eat but is trying mommy and daddy wants her to, but it makes her poop. She is thirsty but knows when she drinks it goes away so she keeps drinking, which is our saving Grace (if you will allow me that little play on her name) she knows we will not let her down…?

I have to say that doctor may need a doctor if he says “your over reacting Mrs Forster” tomorrow and Reagan and me will be spending our Saturdays for the next few years travelling down to Holloway to visit Mommy!

As a parent I would be ill for her at the drop of a hat, I would do anything to make her feel better and Mommy would do ten times what ever I say I’d do! We just want her to get well. It’s hard to feel helpless around her and heartbreaking to have her cling to you willing you to make her feel better.


Our poorly Reagan a few minutes ago in mammas arms

So we managed another full night sleep even though Reagan was very poorly yesterday and didn’t eat a great deal, unfortunately she had pooped in the night but still slept right through. We got her up cleaned her down and watched to see if she was any better and it was immediately apparent she wasn’t due to her lethargy which is just not her and she was still not fussed about food either which is definitely not Reagan.

I was kept informed throughout the day of how ill she was and that “it was running from her” constantly and mommy was changing bathing and washing clothes all day while Reagan tried her best to be herself but just couldn’t. Mommy took her to the doctor because she was concerned about dehydration but was told “she’s just over-reacting” which was not what mommy wanted to hear even if she was she needed reassurance that our baby was OK but left annoyed worried and tiring by the minute.

She makes me proud everytime she faces stuff like this and I am not there to help she copes and hopefully one day Reagan will realise she has the bestest mommy in the world.

By the time teatime arrived Reagan was slightly interested in food so I let her have anything she was willing to eat which consisted bread sticks dry cheerios cheese and mommy brought baby chicken casserole which she ate some of and she perked up a lot once she’d eaten. As I laid her in bed she was wide awake but tired and had not been sick or pooped since her tea and must have drifted of quite quickly because we have not seen a flicker from the monitor all night so fingers crossed she over the worst and we get the Reaganator back tomorrow at her mischievous best!!!

May, my wife and I announce that we are with child again and expecting a new arrival September 8th 2011?

We are 13 weeks 3 days pregnant and really happy!

(Just didn’t want to say too much until we were sure)

3 become 4……but thats it, we’re done……?

This was just a great statement by Jamie tonight:

“When you’re ill all you want is your mamma, its so wierd to be the mamma now?”

Reagan was so ill today being sick and with a runny bottom and all she wanted was her mamma and if she left her for even a minute Reagan wimpered but when they were together Reagan cuddled and slept. I don’t think Jamie could have felt more wanted or needed than she did today and loves loves that responsibility and is a born mamma!

Poorly Bubba

Our quiet 5 minutes just turned into 2 hours Reagan not well and just wants to sleep, we are keeping her hydrated but she just wants to lay there and be with her mommy.

Her belly is non to good gurgling away and she is farting like a trooper! I think there could be some more challenging nappies to come but for now we’ll keep her warm and give her loads of lovin’ I’m sure it’s just a tummy bug!

Being tickle bumped to sleep by momma

My beautiful sweet baby daughter had not been to the toilet since Thursday evening before bedtime and this was concerning us as we went to bed last night, and was even more worrying when I went to get Reagan this morning when I noticed she had been sick during the night. She was alright in herself so it wasn’t so bad but mommy watched her like a hawk all day until she changed a slightly dirty nappy around 11:30 When I got in from a little trip out Mommy said would it be ok to give her Dioralyte because Reagan’s poo was very dry she may be dehydrated? I said of coarse it is, so she emptied half a sachet into a sippy cup of water and passed it to Reagan who took a sip straightaway. No sooner had the first drops passed her lips she strain a little and began pooping to which I said “Well that worked!” and mommy and me fell about laughing…

Our laughing soon ceased when the smell wafted into our nostrils OMG day old poop is not nice but it just kept coming so we let her finish before moving her to change her nappy. When we did she was drenched in it and it was everywhere and it was immediately aparent this was a two man job and a bath would be required. Throughout this Reagan was grinning cutely and clapping visibly feeling a bit better

Now to get those clothes of we had to touch poop and the smell too was over powering so Reagan got a bit frightened at this point as she stood in the bath as neither mommy or daddy wanted the usual cuddles from her and were wretching as they undressed her but she litterally sobbed at the shower head as we “hosed her off” I bagged the nappy and clothes as we ran a bath, while Mommy tried to keep Reagan stood up so she didn’t get poop everywhere.

Plunged into the bath Reagan was happy again as this is one of her favourite things and with the amount of bubble bath I had put in she could hardly see above the bubbles. We washed her from head to toe and dried her quickly getting a nappy back on….just incase! lol

We are now sat having a quiet 5 minutes, with a happy Reagan watching CBeebies, wondering who is going to open the bag of poopy clothes so we can wash them?