Counting is the new thing in Reagan’s world, she CONSTANTLY chatters to herself and anyone else who is prepared to listen even though to the untrained ear it makes no sense but to us it has meaning and everyday it becomes more varied and her range improves. The mimicking of sounds is fascinating and she can actually count woornah tooowah threee and we practice this all the time although Reagan says orah oooah eeee we can practice it 3 times before we reach the top step of the stairs going for a bath or just counting blocks as we build a tower before she destroys it with a smile. I think her vocabulary will snowball over the coming weeks and mommy and me will for the rest of our lives struggle to get a word in because I imagine our little Reagan will love it when she can communicate and won’t want to stop when it happens.
Reagan has got to be the best thing Jamie and me have done upto now and I love her with every single beat of my heart but she is in a stage right now where she whines cries and sometimes screams when she doesn’t get her own way, which I appreciate happens with all children at some point but an older child can be reasoned with, and be made to understand why they are not getting their own way and why sometimes mom and dad will say no and that’s the end of the conversation.
As a 1 year old that can’t talk yet though it’s sooo frustrating for her first and fore most that she can’t tell us what’s wrong or why she feels we are wrong, but I get so frustrated when everything you try to do with her involves a tantrum or screaming fit with real tears. There is nothing I can do but just look away and say cry it out and wait for it to stop. Ironically it lasts about 20 seconds usually and then she carries on as if nothing has happened.
My general stress levels are usually low (unless I am talking to insurance companies or the bank, the dirty thieving no good robbers!!!) but the screaming is very hard to ignore and I hate that it stresses me out but I have no idea how to stop her doing it when she is frustrated herself probably. Anyway we have noticed that if you ignore her it is over in seconds it’s just embarrassing when you’re out in public.
We will sort it out soon enough and we will tolerate it until we do, 99% of the time she is adorable but the other 1% is very frustrating and we will sortit out but until we get there it’s deep breaths and smiles when inside all you want to do is scream…..louder than her lol!
Came home for lunch today ate me butties and talked to mommy (who was sewing, like normal!) then Reagan and me went outside to water the plants on the patio and enjoy a bit of sun!
The driveway from the road to the garage at the rear of our house is flagged and unfortunately those flags need leveling which is a big job. I have want to do it for ages but watching Reagan trip and struggle over the unevenness really has motivated me! At the weekend me brother helped me shift a row of the biggest flags to allow me to start, and still be able to park on the drive while I do the ground work.
Although there is very little done yet I have spent a long time getting it right in me head what needs doing and how it needs to be done, and I just need me Dad to look at the job tomorrow night night and I can get cracking on the project with very little help from anyone else until more flags need moving.
Last night it was lovely to have Reagan “helping” me although strangely we didn’t get as much done as if I had been on me own (Photo’s will follow later)
My postings have become less since we got back from the states and I just don’t seam to find the time to sit and write a good one which concerns me because I don’t ever want to give this up because I like doing it so much. Before you read into that opening sentence something that isn’t there “No I am not thinking of giving it up” on the contrary I wish I did one everyday so it’s more an apology than a goodbye.
I tend to get the blog thought in me head during the day and while it’s in me head it’s fantastic and the idea’s and thoughts are many but they never get typed out later when we finally sit down around 9pm because the enthusiasm of the day has gone and it’s time to sit and rest and just watch tv.
My thinking at the moment is as I have mentioned before short blogs everyday about our life but even that goes by the wayside but I need to try…
Mommy went out to meet her friends tonight at her book club armed with the joke “rule one of book club, there is no book club!” which I have now googled and get! She left about 19:30 leaving me to finish Reagan’s bedtime, and as always she settles back with her milk to listen to me read a book to her, which tonight is ‘An Idiot Abroad’ a funny book which I may read to her for a while yet!
I am sat here missing mamma but so relaxed that I am Reagan’s dad and babysitting (or as Jamie always points out “raising our child” is a more accurate description) and remembering the anxiety I used to feel when “raising our child” alone. It comes so natural now although I will say Jamie does make it look very ea
Just as I wrote the “ea” of easy the smoke alarm at the top of the stairs sounded and I threw the laptop on to the sofa and ran upstairs sniffing the air and looking for any sign of smoke or fire by the time I was less than halfway up the stairs the alarm had stopped sounding but I had seen the red flashing light so I knew it was the one at the top of the stairs and I checked and checked again for any sign of danger in all rooms Reagan was still asleep absolutely oblivious to dad’s SHEER panic.
Calming down slightly I removed the alarm and returned to the living room to look at the manual on Google to find out what could be wrong and it said it may need cleaning or de-staticing which I did then took it to the bottom of the garden to test it. When I pressed the button NOTHING not even a beep a flash NOTHING?
OK I am calm again now and pretty confident that a faulty smoke alarm was the cause of the most frightening 10 seconds of me life and we will call the fire brigade tomorrow to get them to replace it and when mommy reads this she will both laugh and cry but at the end of the day it did it’s job, it told me it was failing and we will now replace it and be safe again.
This was going to be called Missin mamma and I added !!!THEN PANIC!!! later, I was going to talk about how confident I am now when I look after Reagan and I think the last half an hour makes me realise just how much I love that little girl and that I know if there had have been a real problem upstairs tonight I would have died without hesitation to save her, there is nothing I wouldn’t have done….
Went out to play pool tonight and although we’re “in transition” at the moment we are between venues after Steventons closed and we are struggling to hold the team together during this period and do not have enough players at the moment and every week we play wild cards which are allowing the other team to pick from our team a player they think they have the best chance of beating…
‘No-one likes us’ because we play to the rules and tonight we did not declare we were short of players before the start of the game which contravenes rule 3.4 of the MADPL Constitution which I accept, and at 4 – 2 up tonight I\we said we had one more player on his way but that’s it, and after questioning whether that is in line with the rules I accepted unreservedly that they were correct shook the captains hand and left the venue!
It makes me smile that we die by the rules but as we left their team were saying “is that it?” and I was thinking yep that’s it and left! The last thing I want is to sit spending money in their pub discussing how right it is that I accept that they have ended the night so early on a technicality?
We live by the rules and will die by them occasionally, accept it and move on and only hang around to discuss them when you’re at home and your landlord profits from long drawn out pontificating by everyone in the room who thinks they’re right!
Match score 4 all and qualification for the group stages achieved, so who gives a shit I get to go home and hand poorly mommy chocolate with nuts in as requested by text earlier in the evening to aid recovery from the virus that slayed her today.
She loves bathtime