I went out to play pool last night and left Jamie holding the baby’s so to speak although I was only gone an hour or so I had formulated a plan in me ‘ed to take Lincoln for a couple of hours allowing Jamie to “Go to bed!”

So upon arriving home at around 10:15 I said I was making up a bottle and I will be using it to appease our little budle of joy for as long as I can and that mommy should go to bed forthwith!

All right it wasn’t quite as abrupt as that but in a nutshell Jamie was in bed by 11 and I was now left holding the baby. Mommy had fed for ages before I arrived so Lincoln settled quite quickly in my arms and we sat in the chair with the remote, a bottle of formula, my phone and a blanket.

I am not sure how much I slept or the timings of the next four hours but I remember him waking and needing changing which I did faster than an F1 pit crew could change 4 tyres and being back in the chair feeding while watching cops with cameras or road wars or something similar… Lincoln fed well and drifted back to sleep although a little fussy he did wind better than I had managed before and the next thing I remember is QI coming on at 02:30 and thinking I need to go wake Jamie after this because I need to sleep too

It broke my heart to wake her at around 03:15 but I did need to sleep so I laid Lincoln in the warm spot I had sat in for four hours and went upstairs to get Jamie.

Apparently though Lincoln was so settled warm and comfy he slept for another two hours and following a nappy change and one boob at 05:00 slept again for 2 hours allowing Jamie a total of EIGHT HOURS SLEEP Awoot Awoot!

I got home last evening and greeted my family as usual loving all of them and quickly went outside with Reagan to make the most of the clement weather. We were at the bottom of the garden when Reagan pointed behind the shed and said “ball” then looked at me? When she did it again I looked and there was a football behind the shed that wasn’t ours…
So first of all she said the word ball secondly she knows an unfamiliar ‘thing’ is indeed a ball thirdly she knows to tell me its there and lastly she is excited because she found it!
To some not a big thing but to me that’s massive that is talking, recognition and rational thought right there!
She is becoming a big girl and its happening so fast right before my eyes! Makes me realise we have to cherish every moment!

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A tough one to write this because if I had written it at 9am this morning I would have gushed with pride and how special I felt because at around 04:30 I joined Jamie and Lincoln in bed and after supporting Jamie and reassuring her at her most stressful time I was able to take Lincoln downstairs for an hour or so allowing mommy to sleep a little without being disturbed.

I would have tempered it with the fact that my time with Lincoln just proved to me that he is very COLICY meaning we are in for a torrid time with him as he will be in a lot of discomfort most of the time for a few weeks yet. It also told me how bad its been for Jamie over the last couple of weeks because Lincoln sees his only way to get rid of or find relief from his discomfort is to nurse, meaning Jamie has no respite from him. That said I have never seen a more dedicated mom than her and she tries everything to help him but as I found out he is constantly creasing in pain and requires a lot of attention to settle him that you do not sleep yourself for any length of time.

Jamie managed an hour and three quarters before she came down to us with Reagan which she said helped a lot but it was time for me to get ready and go to work which meant leaving her again all day to “cope”. She obviously did, and really well to because I found her exhausted but in good spirits with tea on and a pretty tidy house.

The thing that helped her the most today was a visit from the health visitor and Lincoln weighing in at 9lb 6ozs which meant mommy and mommy alone had made Lincoln gain 1lbs in weight since last week (I always thought she had great tits but this just proved it!)

At this point (which was around midnight) I had to stop I had to stop writing this blog as we needed to sort out Lincoln and our sleep arrangements but I thought the beginning was good enough to publish so I am publishing it as is!

Until bedtime tonight I could not see anything other than good in what I was doing. For me I had come up with the perfect answer to being able to go back to work with some chance of staying awake and for the rest of my family to sleep also, sleeping downstairs was the very least I could do. So when Jamie headed of to bed with a fussy Lincoln I was confident we were doing everything right but Jamie commented ‘so everyone sleeps except me……?’
I didn’t see it like that, the fact that I will get sleep so will Reagan and Lincoln but only maybe for Jamie!
I need to be next to her all the time giving moral support at least not getting more sleep than her down here

Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.

Our quest at the moment is to chang the worlds impression of Lincoln and get a photo that he isn’t serious in!

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Just a quick note on Reagan, she has 8 teeth to come through and 2 of them are really close at the moment and with them is a nice snotty nose and unsettled nights…o please are we being tested?

She is a star though and it takes mommy to spot the problem straightaway so at least we know whats wrong and can medicate accordingly. She is also showing signs of jealousy and it is important we make sure she doesn’t feel left out as well as feeling ill too

We decided that for me to get any sleep or enough to function at work all day I will sleep on the living room floor which isn’t as bad as it sounds when I take the base cushions off the sofa and create a bed, add a pillow and a blanket and its OK!

What it means is Mommy has Lincoln on my side of the bed to feed and then move to her side leaving him untouched and asleep between feeds and mommy gets some sleep too and having just spent the night on the living room floor I got a nights sleep too. We will carry on the experiment this week to maybe get over this difficult change where I have to go to work and re assess at the weekend.

The biggest drawback is definately the fact that I miss sleeping and cuddling with Jamie but if its only for a short time and for the good of the whole family then we’ll survive….

Where do I start, what happened in the last 15 days? Was it a dream will I wake up and find…oh wait you have to be a sleep to wake up…aaahhh sleep I remember that feeling.

It’s been an absolute rollercoaster Lincoln, the moment you were born I was holding your momma’s hand just praying for you to cry and when you did I shed a tear and squoze (if that’s a word?) momma’s hand so hard because at that moment you made our family complete! Just after that moment a doctor or midwife or someone really important said Jeez “he’s loud” and it never registered at the time…

I have loved you since the moment your momma said you were on the way and you and your sister will recieve all of my love everyday for the rest of my life but the last 15 days have been LIFE CHANGING! We thought we were ready for your arrival and I suppose we were practically but mentally I thing we were a little naive to say the least lol (yes I am laughing as I right this!)

We are about to move to the next stage of our life with me returning to work leaving your momma to look after you and your sister… I know she is nervous but I also know she will be absolutely fine even if initially help is required?

Things I can see that have changed since your arrival are definately more washing ffs Linc I’ve never stopped washing drying folding then washing the same things again… I miss mommy because you take up so much of her time. Reagan misses mommy and craves her attention…shiznit this is so negative 🙁

I have loved the last 15 days even though I don’t think I have ever felt so tired, constantly, ever…but I am focusing on the negatives or should I say negative?

The positives are as follows: You are the most beautiful little boy I have ever laid eyes on and a perfect addition to my family. You have made momma and me even happier than we thought we could ever be. You make me so proud I could burst. As a family we are going to travel the world! You will become an American citizen with your auntie Emily and Grandma present. You will be christened on the same day as your sister. Your sister can’t wait to play with you and has done nothing but stroke you and caress you and give you so many kisses. Your grandma and grandad in denver can’t wait to meet you so too you auntie. In England you have a wonderful family too especially uncle Karl Auntie Karen and cuz Abz not to mention Nannie and Grandad too! Jeez there are just so many positives I could write all night and still be pissed off in the morning becuse I forgot one!

I’m not going to read all that back because I wrote it as it came into me head all I will say is “welcome son, I love you!” and I will try to write better blogs soon…?

Our son is so serious lol he is adorable but jeez crack a smile dude and chillax!

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It has been so hot all week we have managed to go for a walk everyday and it usually ended at a pub for a fold one….or two!

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