The last couple of nights we seemed to have found a routine that was working where I would get home at 6 and help the house hold get tea and have some quality family time too. We then move into bath and bedtime as normal bathing both and getting Reagan into bed and asleep by 8ish, which is good because it is integrating Lincoln into the usual evening routine.
After that we sort the house out and watch a bit of telly to wind down ourselves calming Lincoln so we can implement the next stage which is that one of us goes to bed while the other “sleeps” downstairs with Lincoln who, although he sleeps needs a lot of work to get him there and to keep him asleep too. He is getting better every night but if we slept him upstairs neither of us would get much sleep so it is the best scenario for now.
At 4am we swap over allowing the one who has been looking after Lincoln to get three and half hours in bed which just about recharges the batteries enough to see you through the day.
Unfortunately last night was disrupted because Reagan was really teething and it means her poop is runny she is snuffly and her mouth is very painful, so she didn’t eat any tea cried all through bathtime and crawled of mommy who was prepared to cuddle her to sleep preferring to be in her cot and left alone 🙁
Through the night she has been waking up and needing comforting back to sleep which meant our rhythm was thrown out and both mommy and daddy have woken up more tired than usual