I have so many things to be positive about in my life right now, especially the greatest wife ever and two children that are gifts that anyone would be proud of but bringing those “gifts” up to be the very best we could possibly make them is so tiring!
The physical side of it you get used to, but that can be seriously tested when sleep deprivation is factored in to the equation, but the mental side of parenting is definitely the one that is the most tiring by a country mile. My brain is switched on all day trying to keep them safe, healthy, happy, occupied, stimulated, fed… the list goes on and all the time your doing all this you have Reagan (and probably Lincoln very soon) pulling your strings and pushing your buttons goading you into a reaction without even knowing she\they are doing it.
When you’re lacking sleep and physically struggling your brain tires too and when Jamie asks me a question about a very important matter on the computer that has Roseanne playing at full volume in the background Reagan is whining and screeching because she wants anything she thinks we might give her, Lincoln is crying and rattling the gate because he wants his mommy the TV is on in the living room the cats taking shit in its box in the kitchen and I am supposed to give my opinion when all I hear is white noise and all i feel is stress in my chest and my head feels that it may burst….I am not sure I can?
Then Jamie says “I mustn’t hear the noise like you do, I must just cut it out?” I think WELL DONE you because I would love to have that ability I really would. I think she really is the best Mom in the world for our children and that is why I may not be able to deal with the children as easily or as well as Jamie does but I can support her 100% in every other aspect of our lives so that she can continue raising Reagan and Lincoln in the best way possible.
Unfortunately at the end of the day we are both tired out and it’s here where it would be easy to give in and do nothing but it’s we have to work on us when sometimes it would be easier to sit back watch TV and go to bed never really talking anymore. We never forget about ourselves even if we are exhausted….