Over the weekend the sun shone so I got out into the garden and cleared the bottom end ready for turfing next weekend

Take your eye off the little guy for a second to get shampoo and BUMP! He tries to stand up in the bath, slips and bumps his eye on the bath handle…cue screams from Lincoln and a great big OMG there’s blood from Mommy as a trickle of blood ran down his face magnified by his wet face!

So long as he is making a noise he is fine although it will be painful it will go black and probably swell he will have forgotten about it by bedtime in 20 minutes and sure enough he was his giggley self by the time his momma gave him his bottle.

Its his first shiner and I am certain it is not his last!

Posted by ALB from WordPress for BlackBerry.

Not blogged for a while and it really bugs me because so much is happening right now especially with Lincoln who is so fast at crawling now its amazing to see. He is just so mobile now and it is only going to get worse when he finally walks which can’t be that far off as he stands up at every opportunity and can now circumnavigate the living room holding on to furniture. If you get him balanced and looking at you then let go of his hands he stands still for quite a while now but as soon as he realises he isn’t being held he drops to his bottom.

His new thing is climbing the stairs which he can now do on his own after completing the feat for the first time last night and to prove it wasn’t a fluke did it again this morning too!

He was weighed yesterday and has gained 3lbs since the last time he was weighed when Grandma was here in May and no weighs 23lbs 2oz.

Talking (or shouting) is coming along well too and I need to get a video on here of his grunts and groans around meal times which are a mixture of frustration and excitement but they are beginning to take on the loose form of words like dada and yes to name a couple.

He wakes up most nights at some point still, mostly because teething is in full swing right now, he has 2 in the middle at the bottom and 4 front ones at the top after producing a fourth last night. All of which he loves showing off with the broadest smiles letting you know just how happy he is….most of the time.

Happy Happy Happy

Since “The Great Escape” Reagan has clambered out of her cot every morning and we were worried about her hurting herself falling, so it was decided that it was time to take the sides off the cot making it into a ‘big girls bed!”

Mommy wanted it to be special so on Saturday morning off they went to Crewe shopping for big girls bedding, what they came back with was covered in Peppa Pig.

We also purchased a gate to stop the inevitable pre 6am dash into our bedroom lol and I installed it across their door. The following video is Reagan’s first look at her new bed, what we forgot to tell her was that the new gate has a bar across the bottom of it and I reckon if it wasn’t for her new bed there would have been tears over her stubbed toe at the beginning of the video ooops

Myspace photo

04 June we decided to have a walk around Tatton Park and take a picnic the following photos are from that day.

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After a couple of days of sickness Reagan was fine and although it was a little scary at one point so was Lincoln


“Please God I love my brother very much and promise to be good for my momma just make him well again so we can play together, thanks!”

Over night Lincoln’s situation has deteriorated unfortunately and he has not kept anything down since his tea at 7pm last night. He slept until 03:45 then we heard him crying so mommy went to him and he was promptly sick all over her which is not what you want at anytime but especially when you have just been woken up, it also meant that mommy wasn’t getting back into bed anytime soon…

He drank a bottle and threw that up and then has kept being sick after eating or drinking anything since then, so we have been concerned about him dehydrating because he is so small so at 08:30 Mommy called the doctor. They said can she get him there in 10 minutes which put the whole household in a spin and as I left for work the image I saw was Reagan in Jama’s and shoes being bundled into the car and a sleeping Lincoln oblivious to the commotion also being strapped in too as they “dashed to the docs”

Reagan although still ill seems to be fighting it off and has eaten and drank this morning but is still a little lethargic and that is definitely not like Reagan

The doctor has said he has a temperature of 39.8 and needs to be kept hydrated with water until he can keep it down and then hopefully eat something but if he continues to be ill he needs to go back to the docs tomorrow!

When you’re ill, sometimes even getting dressed is just too much

Lincoln fell asleep while Mommy dressed him LOL