I saw a lot of nervous tears throughout this morning, I first noticed there was something wrong when I was about to leave for work and Jamie was crying and saying she can’t do this! I re-assurred her that everything would be fine and she can do it because she will have me with her every step of the way, UNLESS THE PUBS OPEN!… I’m joking of coarse.
A cold day today well cooler than the last few but who cares I was back at work, and not in maternity or labour ward. Jamie is becoming desperate but I think its because she’s so close? Four days till our due date and we are trying all the ‘old wives tales’ on how to bring on labour and its becoming our only thought all the time Jamie has just spent ALL night bouncing on the birth ball while watching GLEE!
Gallo Family
What a day, from start to finish we had a great day the only thing missing was the appearance of Reagan.
So the big surprise was a baby shower for Jamie (which I was actually in on but was sworn to secrecy) and late last night Jamie returned home with me mum and Karen all had arms laden with baby goodies. I want to thank everyone who was there because she has has the biggest smile on her face ever since your gifts are overwhelming to say the very least and REALLY appreciated, it means a lot to both of us, but especially Jamie to know that you think enough about us to do things like that. THANK YOU!
Today was dominated firstly by how Jamie was feeling when she woke up in hospital but I needn’t have worried because she texted me at 07:05 to see if I was awake and to tell me she felt ok and had felt Reagan all night so she just wanted to come home.
Short blog today because of one single event:
First of all Jamie and the family Forster so far…chilaxing
I feel a bit in limbo now, I’ve turned 40 and don’t feel any different (but knew I wouldn’t) and we are waiting to be parents and can’t do anything now until that happens. I thought today that we will wait for this beautiful thing to happen then…I feel we’ll have to wait again to do stuff with her, just such a wierd thought to have but I think it comes from my ignorance of what we can do when we first have a baby…?
Jamie made the statement last night “Can you believe we will be parents, in TWO weeks?”
I said I can and I am so excited at the prospect! I’m not scared of becoming a parent and explained to her that she shouldn’t be either, we are such a good team that whatever happens we will cope with it. Plus we will have all the help we could possibly need, especially now Pam will definitely be here for two weeks in May\June (more of that in a minute)
Branston’s coming thick and fast now but keep subsiding Jamie’s bouncing like a mad woman on the birthball hope they won’t subside and turn in “JUST SHUT THE F&%K UP AND GET ME TO THE HOSPITAL!” but they haven’t yet!
…and jealousy (or maybe frustration) set in earlier when I told her my boss’s wife had given birth early this morning but she is pleased to hear about all birth’s when they’re healthy I did think, when I told her that Sarah had been sick in the night and her waters broke, that I would find her with her fingers down her throat when I got home? I asked her and she said it had briefly crossed her mind lol
We spent the evening in the garden because the weather was amazing again, we were tidying up pruning back bushes that have not wintered quite so good as usual, mowing the lawns and cleaning out the water feature which was stagnant and sent her running for the house when she smelt it lol
Jack loved it being outside and spent a long time chasing the ball Jamie kept throwing even though he has a tough time remembering he can sniff it out even though he can’t see?
It can be tiring though throwing a ball…
Last night was great, with so many friends and family turning up to celebrate with with me and who also blessed me with so many wonderful cards and gifts! One special note should go to my best friend John who gave me an Anti Nowhere League T-shirt for Reagan I am sure she will cherish it for years to come!
Having got in at 2am very drunk and suffering hicups my wife apparently put me to bed but that is a little hazy from my perspective? One bad bit of the night was being ripped off for the butties which we agreed a price of £30 last week and when I paid for them with 2 x £20 notes Sue said there’s easily £40 worth of food there and took the 40? Well I let it go last night because I didn’t want to cause a scene on my birthday but if you agree a price thats the price so I will be going back to remonstrate and get my £10 back even though if we had agreed £50 I would have paid that no problem but there is a principle here and its just not right!
Arose at 10am…slowly and had coffee, then because it was a nice day again and because I was suffering a hangover from my party we decided to go for a walk to blow away the cobwebs… We took our time and walked into town along the canal calling at the bookies to pick my winnings up 🙂 it was a really nice feeling to be winner!
Got home and set off to me mums for dinner and was surprised that there was a birthday cake for afters, thankfully with just 6 candles not 40 (that could have been dangerous) I made a wish but she hasn’t appeared yet.