What colour was it? What was the consistency? Has she done a weewee yet? Did you drink any of it? lol (I added the last one) but apart that one they are all questions I never thought I’d ever be asked!
Now knocking on for 13 hours old I finally got to meet our lovely daughter again after the trauma or should I say excitment of last night and it was great to kiss my wife and see her sitting up in bed looking a bit uncomfortable but happy. I was able to take Reagan for a while so Jamie could have a shower and clean herself up which was getting her down a little because she had been kept awake a lot in the night by al the other babies on the ward as well as Reagan
Refreshed from her shower she smiled as she saw me sat there with Reagan asleep in me arms and apart from having to share her I would have let her sleep there and stare at her all day! Jamie then sat and told me all about memories of the day and what she went through (I will ask her to write that and add it to a later blog though)
One thing she did say is that she was the talk of the Hospital “the American lady who attempted every kind of labour that Leighton Hospital has to offer” and that even with a faulty epidural (that fact wasn’t mentioned yesterday?) went through to C section pushing better than anyone has ever done! She was Fantastic I knew that already but…..wow!
My mum came and met Reagan today as did my brother and sister in law which made me feel very proud. They called me dad…
I rang the Denver Post to see if I could get a copy of yesterdays edition posted to us here in England they offered a complimentary copy hand delivered to Pam’s house for free so she can bring it with her in May. We have all the newspapers from England and wanted that to give to Reagan so in a few years she can see what was in the news when she was born, Pam had alread got a wall street journal so we are newpapered up!
I have no idea how to be a dad, I have never been as happy as I was last night, Jamie is THE best person I know in every way, Reagan wins cutest baby contest every-time (slightly biassed here), you don’t need money to be rich, WTF….? Wow!, and I suppose Jeez! oh and YAY!
Had to leave them again at the hospital oh man that’s hard to do even if I did leave Reagan bawling the place down I would still rather her be here bawling the place down. I have since heard that she has eaten (mommy boob taste good, Reagan likey!!!) and both are a sleep now!
I may read this back tomorrow and wish I’d written it differently but I’m tired too and need to sleep, and you should thin yourselves lucky my blog began this morning with:
Ok today began with rather a spiffing hangover induced by celebrating into the early hours with a bottle of red wine while I wrote this blog. Not the best thing to do on a very tired brain (I’m 40 you know!) and an empty stomach!
…but I changed me mind!
Nighty night!