An annual trip to the Malpas punkin patch was such a let down and I am not sure if Reagan and Lincoln are a little bit too old for what’s on offer. Maybe the magic has gone but we also saw ageing props costumes and a maize maze that was just a walk through a three foot high crop. Was it a bad crop year or was it poor planning, either way we picked our pumpkins and left saying we won’t be back…

We went to Costco to cheer ourselves up with some retail therapy and a cheap tea.

Could barely sleep and woke up about 04:10 and lay there until my alarm went off at 5am and checked flight tracker to see where she was. It said the arrival time was 06:35 three quarters of an hour earlier than planned, so I still had plenty of time for a brew before heading off to the airport.

It was torture waiting at the barrier of Terminal 2 International Arrivals peering through the door  as it opened and closed desperate for the first glimpse of Jamie in three weeks. When she did appear I nearly burst into tears and felt very emotional as we embraced and not wanting to let her go for even a second I ducked under the barrier so I could walk with her and hold her hand.

I love the bones of her and missed her so much it hurt but she’s back now and I just want to feel as happy as I did in that photo, forever!

I just can not wait to get me best mate back tomorrow as I write this I am sooo excited I could burst!

Tonight Steventons finally won a match, its been a long time coming but really pleased that everyone stuck at it and enjoyed the journey too.

7 3 against The Junction and what made that even better a young lad who plays for us got his first win too.

Throughout the summer and four games in the winter league we knew a win would eventually come and tonight it did!

Reagan and locked horns yet again this morning when she informed me that she did not want to go to school but I was adamant she had to and she dually went and stuck it out for a second day.

I am not saying it was easy, it was tough but I told her I was really proud of her for doing it. She felt a lot better when I got home so much so she wanted to take Billy for a walk but I think that was because she had some new jeans delivered and needed a reason to go out in them.

When Reagan said: “What should I do if I feel ill at school?” was basically saying I will be ill today nothing is more certain. It drives me insane when she does this because she has decided, I can ride horses and go to a sleep over at my mates but I need an extra day to get over it because I am tired. I really have no patience for just doing the good stuff and having no intentions of doing the rest because the good things tire you out! Reagan went to school but messaged me on the way to tell me that if she feels unwell she will tell the school and walk home which means she will be doing exactly that.

So I am just waiting for the call, it makes me feel on edge that I know she is just biding her time before she gives up. I feel really bad that I made her go but but if I let her stay off today then she will expaect to be allowed to stay at home all the time. The waiting and anticipation of getting a call really affected my mood although it never came, I did suffer a slump in what had been pretty easy mentally this past two and a half weeks.

She texted in reply to my text asking how she was feeling to say she was tired and going to bed for a lay down. I said I was proud of her for sticking it out and that rest and paracetamol would be best for now. I have to say I was surprised that she stuck it out but she also knew I was at work in Crewe and could not come and sort her out if she did want to come home.

Finally we beat the Raiders tonight after them owning us since 2018 a streak that at times was annoying especially because they have been a poor team throughout but still managed to stick it to the Broncos twice a season.

The 34 – 18 scoreline does not really tell the story as it was a far more dominant win than that but a garbage time touchdown when the game was already won made it look closer.

Going 10 – 0 down in very quick time it looked like the same old thing was going to happen but after that initial struggle the Broncos scored 34 unanswered points with the defense strangling Las Vegas they benched their quarterback to see if it would spark them into life. It didn’t!

Now 3 and 2 on a 3 game winning streak and another divisional game this weekend it looks a lot brighter and who knows win number 4 against the Chargers would get unbelievable!


Brewed coffee for one, and cleaned up the puke from a hungry cat to get me satdy started. Billy then Reagan to riding while merely walked Billy again. Shed for a while till Reagan wanted me again. Mozzas with Linco to pick up picky bits before Always for a Sadurdy ending.

Having a plan for tea was a master stroke enabling me to be able to relax early after completing another week at work which ended with me working hard on the phones so I was looking forward to hotdogs very little washing up and the sofa

Daddy I am going to my friends I need a lift there and back mum knows about it, it’s for church!

I unfortunately did not take this news very well at 5pm straight after finishing work now only having 2 hours to walk Billy go to the store and feed us before taking Reagan to someone’s house at 7.

She then added oh I am eating there so no need to cook

Lincoln and me ended up having hotdogs and watching Stand By Me

Talking to Jamie has become rare and the highlight of the days but if I’m cut short by others  needing her more my mood changes and I have an overwhelming feeling of jealousy.

She is something to everyone but everything to me….