After a great night out together finished off with a beer and a kebab it was a slow start for both of us but felt better once we had been up to Norman’s Wood to blow the cobwebs away.
I spent the rest of the day in me shed initially with the intention of finishing one of the drawers I started yesterday but decided on trying to get the electrics closer by adding face plates to the back boxes I’d already installed and installing the final sockets.
Once I started I got into it and decided to take a trip to Screwfix and get the rest of the bits to get the ring back to the consumer unit in Jamie’s shed. So after getting 10m of 2.5 Twin and earth and a couple more face plates I found myself stood on a step with a head torch on connecting up the electrics for me shed.
As I turned to get a different screwdriver Jamie was stood in the doorway, silent, staring and I was not expecting anyone to be there “OH SHIT” as my heart missed a beat and nearly died! She just stood there laughing, crossing her legs, trying not to piss herself while I tried to remember how to breathe….
Anyway with everything connected and tightened up I switch the power back on and felt the surge (not litterally, thankfully!) and hey presto I have live sockets in me shed