I am being made to feel very humble every day, now that my impending last day at work has become common knowledge. The people I have endeavoured to help every day for the last 13 years seem genuinely sad to hear I’m leaving and would like to see me and wish me well…

Which is nice….

Tonight my team were 4 nil down and it was looking like another tough night especially for me as captain but I had a plan tonight and stuck to it and it worked. We played really well and fought to win 5 of the next 6 frames to win a point against a good side and it was so great to hear the lads afterwards enjoying the little victory meant a lot to hear!

You wait for a bus and two turn up….?

Not sure why I missed blogging today but this is being written while sat watching Taylor Swift Era’s on Saturday night just to fill in the gap

With Jamie so used to travelling first class she paid for me to join her so agin not having coffee available in the digs we arrived at Euston and headed for the posh lounge for pre-breakfast nibbles and coffee which was all complimentary and plentiful but we were planning to eat a full english on the train so I had smoked salmon and a cheese scone well it would be rude not to….the coffee was excellent and we headed to the train and found our seats. Sunday first class is not like Monday to Saturday first class apparently although it was much more refine and comfy the train was slow the food was scarce and the WiFi was poor but Jamie managed to work the whole way home and I just looked at my phone for most of the journey.

Upon arrival at Crewe Karl picked us up and took us to his house where Reagan and Lincoln were along with nannie for a mothers day tea which was very nice and we were joined by Helen Andy and Abbie for sandwiches and cakes a plenty. It was great to finally be home and that can especially be said for Jamie who had been away since Wednesday and we both nodded off in front of the TV so when both of us woke and ralised we had missed it all the weekend was over and an early bedtime beckonned

All in all it was a First Class Trip

A Friday night to remember after arriving at Euston Station with a short tube ride to meet Jamie, who should I clap eyes on as I got off the train…. A lovely surprise which meant our weekend started immediately and we were like newly weds as we rode the tube and then walked down Camden High Street to the apartment to drop off our stuff get a quick wash and brush up before going to find something to eat, and drink obviously.

It ended up an early night as we were both exhausted after our working days but that did mean we woke up refreshed and ready to go do touristy stuff around the city. A failed trip to Starbucks meant no coffee until we got out of the digs which more than enough motivation and soon enough we were back at the same shop but it was open this time and off we went coffee in hand to explore London.

The National Gallery was our first destination but yet again we were just a bit early so we went to a cafe just off Trafalger Square and had a full Engilsh breakfast before wandering the gallery for the next 3 hours. The reason we were there specicically was John Constable’s The Hay Wain which we saw on TV earlier in the week and Jamie had never heard of it nor seen it before

My favourite was called Devine Light which from a distance was utterly stunning!

We wandered up the Mall next on a beautifully sunny, though cool day, without any time restrictions or places to be it was really relaxing and perfect time spent in Jamies company which I love to be in! We decided to meet up with Beth one of Jamie’s friends to celebrate her 50th birthday at a Mexican resteraunt in Soho and ambled our way to Westminster then along the river to jubilee bridge before weaving our way through to meet up and eat dinner.

With a concert to attend it was soon time to make our way back to the digs to freshen up before walking the 50 yards to the venue, where we were greeted by the support act Sladey who were not a bad female Slade tribute act. The Hold Steady were amazing yet again and our dancing was assisted by 5 pints of Pale Ale each before it was time to head to the Pizza parlour for a midnight snack. It was raining but being so close we barely got wet on our way home!

This sums up our day

All day, I have felt so nervous probably because it was me who had to organise Reagan, Lincoln and Billy without my usual social secretary to help. Not that it was a problem I had all day to do it but strangely I felt like I did when I first went to see Jamie in Denver I felt panic that I would fail that I would forget something or that I would let everyone down. These thoughts were not ‘concious’ thoughts just my inner confidence being low….?

I think I have always been like that, and I am not sure why because I am a confident person but it takes thought and effort rather than being spontaneous. I know I am capable of anything but that unconscious fear of failure needs managing?

Anyway I made to the train with 15 minutes to spare, found a seat, and sat back with a Jack and Coke and reflected on the fact that I did it all everyone was happy and hopefully Jamie will be in Camden when I get there!

Having had a terrible night’s sleep last night when my brain would not switch off after playing pool I lay in bed awake in the dark  tonight although I wanted to veg on the couch after tea, without Jamie who is in London, I decided to go to bed at 10pm which is an early night for me…

Today it was announced officially that I am leaving the Willows in an email to all surgeries.

With my day set out to be at Birchwood all day and Mommy’s day so busy that any glitch could bring it all crashing down I left the house followed by her and Reagan heading to an orthodontist appointment. As I got onto the M6 my Carphone rang it was Jamie…

“The school just called, Lincoln is OK but he has been hit by a car, what do I do?”

“Oh Fuck” was my response and I also braked in the second lane of the motorway which was so scary.

I was now travelling at 70mph and the absolute worst scenarios were coursing through my mind, and I had to keep concentrating on driving while processing what Jamie had just told me…

He was hit by a car driven by a teacher travelling at 10 to 15mph after stepping out from behind a parked car luckily he jumped so went over the bonnet of the car rather than if he was planted and it knocked him over or worse ran over him…

He said he was fine staright away and the school was just over the road so he walked there and was looked over by them, it was only after Mommy had visited him and assessed the situation that we could calm down a bit only for him to text an hour later to say his leg was now beginning to hurt. This was probably the shock and adreneline wearing off and the true extent of his injuries coming out, so mommy took him to A&E to checked out properly.

They were told that he had suffered minor soft tissue damage and would show bruising tomorrow or the next day and to manage any pain with ibuprofen but there was nothing to worry about which is what we suspected but better to be safe than sorry!

It was the worse feeling I have experienced as a parent that moment when I heard the words “HIT BY A CAR” and I never want to feel like that again.