I do not change jobs very often so it was very familiarly unfamiliar to me to walk into an new office on my first day but it was really nice that the first face I saw was Jan who I have known since school but also worked with at Consulsoft before I went to the Willows. I stood talking to her for a good 10 minutes before anyone else arrived at the office by which time my nerves had subsided a little and I was a little calmer when others arrived
The team members who I had been taken o to lead arrived along with a couple of them calling in sick which I felt was not a great start and to find one had handed his notice in was also a blow before I had even officially start at 9am
My line manager arrived who I had met on video interviews but she was this “bubblyboss” type lady in person very laid back and a little too much when all I wanted was to slip into the day quietly and slowly, anyway after very little direction I was sort of left to my own devices to navigate the systems and it was not until late i the day that I felt comfortabe eneouh to ask one of the team for help because I thought I was going to be inducted more by my boss?
I did not take my hour lunch and it was refreshing and relieving to find that they finish at 16:55 and leave the office to “beat the traffic” so I was home by 17:25 and able to decompress in the usual manner with walk with Jamie tea bath bed, oh and a beer
All in all weird but successful first day