A man should not love new flip-flops like I love mine…!

I have been flopless for over a year and now feel so stupid denying myself the comfort I now feel everytime I slide on these beauts

Not fancying it at all but only having 4000 steps my suggestion of our Middlewich walk did not receive a glowing response, but temper that with the overwhelming satisfaction Jamie had after completing our walk with over 10000 steps was worth it

Lincoln seems very keen on cricket now the games have started again and although Sandbach CC U12s did not do very well against Wood Lane CC he was really lit up to go practice on Friday night so we went as a family and had a good night he got some good net practice in and we enjoyed the great weather in the beer garden at the club. 

On Sunday I was busy re-configuring the guttering on me shed as it was a really great afternoon bordering on being glorious, when he came and asked if I would bowl at him on the yard. I said give me a few minutes and then I will.

We then spent a hour just practicing and he absolutely loved it, commenting, when asked by Reagan then Mommy if he was going to band practice at church at 4pm, that he was enjoying cricket with me too much so would prefer to go at 5pm for youth. 

It really made me realise how much he enjoys spending time with, not just how much he loves playing cricket,  and it made me feel good too.

Blogging has become a chore just lately and that makes me sad because for so long my life was just how I like it, mundane and boring (to others) woke up walked Billy went to work came home had tea went to bed, but I do like a bit of routine.

Started a new job and find myself telling people it’s OK but there’s not enough work which really makes me sound like I am complaining about everyone else’s dream job and getting paid hansomly for but I need to put it into context. If I was working from home it would be perfect, allowing me to add my work to my phone and get on with other things between calls but in the office it makes for a long day hoping the phone rings… The great thing about the job is I know what to do because I have been doing it for different employers for 20 years

I should be blogging My Life Changing every day right now but I have fallen out of love a bit with blogging even though it is something I feel is important to me and my mental health. I felt as good mentally as I have for years while I have been able to unpack my days by writing them down. I am not sure whether there is any one reason I feel good right now maybe changing my job was what I needed bit I have felt good for a while now and hope it continues.

I know I need to start regularly blogging again because I like doing it bit if it’s a struggle then I am not going to stress about doing one every day.

Karl and me tackled mum lawn this morning and managed in 3 hours to make it a lawn again from the knee high over grown jungle that it was prior to our hardwork. It is manageable once you can get that first cut done but because it can be very wet and holds on to it making impossible to get on it without quite a bit of dry weather. Anyway it looked like a lawn after Karl strimmed and edged while I mowed reducing the blade height each time eventually getting to the point where the mower was doing the work rather than me.

It was very rewarding to get it done and I know me mum appreciated it admitting that it was on her mind how she was going to get it done. The grass needs to recover for a few days now allowing and flattened grass to stand up again and then I intend to go and mow it again and once that cut is done it should just be a matter of maintaining it all season.

I just wish I’d taken a before photo because most of it was knee high and needed strimming before the mower

As his sister did about 12 months ago Lincoln came to us and asked if he and a mate could go spend the afternnon mooching around Northwich, which we had no problem with just with the strict instruction “do not let us down”. So off he and Gabe went on there own after getting dropped off by Gabes Dad to wander Northwich town centre visiting the gamine shops and cafes before Jamie went to pick them up 4 hours later. It is a right of passage I think for all kids to start testing out their independence and as parents we don’t want them to grow up too fast but are helpless to stop them also knowing that it would be a dereliction of duty not to loosen the apron strings and let them experience the world in small doses because it equips them better for the future rather than keeping them close and then expecting them as young adults to just leave school and know what to do?

Lincoln seems to be having a “tough” time at school when he came home first without a tie and then he got a detention for not doing his homework add on to that he came home last week with broken headphones after a boy in Home Bargains pulled them so hard off his ear it broke the head strap.

When we heard he had not done his homework it really annoyed me because we remind him all the time so I took away his electronics for a day as punishment as well as the detention. I fixed his headphones using electrical tape the best I could so hopefully they will last a few more weeks until we can get him some more. Jamie contacted the school about the tie after he told us that his was ripped off his neck in the busy school corridor and he did not see who did it. He would get into trouble if he did not wear a tie so Jamie in no uncertain terms told the school she expects them to replace it because it was stolen not lost so he came home with a tie not a clip tie he’d lost. It crossed my mind that all these things could be caused by bullying so we questioned him about it and he said he was not getting bullied the tie was random the headphones was random and the homework was his fault…? 

Dad can you show me how to tie a tie please?

Today although a tad windy it was a bit warmer and it made us feel better as we trundle out of April into May tomorrow and for me it is a tonic when the weather improves. We walk together now every night “getting our steps in” but it is so great to spend half an hour decompressing after work.

As I’ve mentioned it work is boring right now there is not enough work and filling 7 hours is torture I go for a walk at dinnertime and that breaks the day up a bit exploring the business park especially in the sunshine…and it ups me step count too!

I am finding it so hard to be motivated to do anything right now least of all blog, my job isuch a huge part of my life and my new vocation is not lighting my fire at all! I have just spent a whole work day treading water because there does not seem to be enough work and it’s mind numbing to try and fill my day.

Being busy makes it so easy to breeze through a work day but if there is nothing to to unless the phone rings it is torture.

Am I grieving the loss of my old job and its variety and amount of work yes oh hell yes as I sit waiting for my turn to answer the phone…

They want us to work from home but the team are resistant to do so and right now I am thinking just let me WFH at least I could nod off between calls ffs or do something else around the house etc and it would be better!

OH MY GOD I have a 14 year old daughter that fact blows my mind and she is such a beautiful young girl who is becoming a young lady very quickly, and makes me so very proud every day.

Mommy promised breakfast in bed once she requested it and as we all took it to her to the tones of our traditional Happy birthday by Altered Images she such a beautiful happy smile on her face which made it worth doing!

She just knocked the shine off it with a request for more syrup for her pancakes to be brought to her  even though the three of us were trying to have our breakfast…

Opening presents can be difficult for a 14 year old when her main presents can’t be opened a day at the hair salon and day out at the Trafford Centre shopping, so she became a little upset when there were alot duplicated stuff she didn’t want although thankful she would have preferred all the money to go towards her holy grail Tay Tay era tickets.

Family time later in the day when Nannie arrived, followed by Auntie Karen and Uncle Karl bringing not only presents but also joy and for me I managed to quiz Karl about wiring me shed.

Barbie cake and lasagne happy birthday and more tears when the main was not really eaten rather chucked away in favour of cake!

Happy 14th Birthday to the BEST daughter ever, you make me proud to say I am your daddy. I will be supporting you as I have done for the last 14 years for the rest of my life and beyond.

Keep shining bright little lady you are enough!