Lincoln seems to be having a “tough” time at school when he came home first without a tie and then he got a detention for not doing his homework add on to that he came home last week with broken headphones after a boy in Home Bargains pulled them so hard off his ear it broke the head strap.
When we heard he had not done his homework it really annoyed me because we remind him all the time so I took away his electronics for a day as punishment as well as the detention. I fixed his headphones using electrical tape the best I could so hopefully they will last a few more weeks until we can get him some more. Jamie contacted the school about the tie after he told us that his was ripped off his neck in the busy school corridor and he did not see who did it. He would get into trouble if he did not wear a tie so Jamie in no uncertain terms told the school she expects them to replace it because it was stolen not lost so he came home with a tie not a clip tie he’d lost. It crossed my mind that all these things could be caused by bullying so we questioned him about it and he said he was not getting bullied the tie was random the headphones was random and the homework was his fault…?
Dad can you show me how to tie a tie please?