I went for a walk this morning and took a different route from the norm over Poppity John’s to see if they’d made a start on the promised “Cledford Lagoons Habitat Restoration” had begun, and apparently it has!

Billy was perplexed when confronted by a fence blocking his usual pathway (that he had not seen for 12 months) and looked at me as if to say WTF do we do dad. As we got closer, there was a diversion over the lagoon to the left and all was well. 

My mantre going forward will be “Less Scrolling and more Strolling” it was easy this morning because it was sunny but laying in bed scrolling ain’t the way…?

I discussed the blog with Jamie over the weekend and said that I am not sure me writing what I do everyday is very interesting and there doesn’t seem much point if no-one ever reads it only me and occasionally you. It helps me in a lot of ways to get things of my chest and just put the feelings and experiences down but recently I have not felt the needs to do that so it seemed pointless.

Until she reminded me, I had forgotten that this will be theirs one day and that is why I should just push through this lull in inspiration and will to put down my world in my blog and why I should keep doing it for as long as I can!

So since the 30 March 2010 you can read how my life changing affected me, mostly for the good but also the not so good too, I do try to add how I feel more over the last few years

She said that one day Reagan and Lincoln will be desperate to read every word and that is who you should be writing it for, even if you think you don’t need it they will love to read it one day and be able to find out who their dad was in the minutest detail!

14 years on this us today…

Still going strong, just trying to negotiate life as best we can doing our best to be happy every day because that’s what life is about at the end of the day.

Why bother if you have nothing to say, I walkedI went to work I drank I went to bed.

I was frightened today when I heard that Graham Thorpe took his own life after fighting depression for years, and it made me realise how close I came and how hard it is rise above those feelings when it would have been so much easier not to!

It’s a wonderful life

Loved being away in Patty and Ians company in Warwick and today in Stratford but when they said they had to leave we decided to go home too. 30? heat was lovely walking around Stratford but it eventually took its toll on us and we ended up sat in the shade of a tree by the Avon

…but its good to be back home!

It’s weird watching the kids experience hotel life brewing up at 10 pm eating the complimentary biscuits showering before bed using the  complimentary soap just cramming all they can into this new experience.

We spent the day at Warwick Castle with Uncle Ian & Auntie Patty always a really great experience being in their company. After a meal at the Queen & Castle everyone except me got in the car and drove back to the hotel while I volunteered to walk which only took me 11 minutes arriving to our room with Lincoln in the shower and Reagan bathroom ready waiting her turn.

Once he vacated the bathroom it was like watching an old married couple draining the rooms recourses like it would be gone by tomorrow…which it is now…ironically.

Jamie is already asleep

I find it so difficult to occasionally put my thoughts down….

She said, “Don’t call the doctor, I want to fall asleep peacefully, with your hand in mine.” He told her about the past, how they met, their first kiss. they didn’t cry, they smiled.

They didn’t regret anything, they were grateful. Then she repeated softly, ‘I love you forever!’ He returned her words, gave her a soft kiss on the forehead. She closed her eyes and fell asleep peacefully with her hand in his.

Love is really all that matters because everyone comes into this world with nothing other than love and leaves with nothing other than love.
Think about it. Profession, career, bank account, our goods are just tools, nothing more.

Everything stays here. So just love….
love those that really love you. Love, as if there was nothing more important in your life! ???? #love #Respect #Inspiration


Just spent a great couple of hours watching the Euro24 football final with Reagan, Lincoln was not interested and Mommy had travelled down to London earlier so it was just us. The game was between England who have not won anything since 1966 and Spain who have been the best team in the tournament so far. She was very interested in trying to understand what was going and just how important it was to every England supporter, having only seen on final 3 years ago when England lost to the Italians? Older supporters have had years of heartache never reaching a final until 2021 so Reagan must think we do this every couple of years. I stressed that we do not and that its the hope that kills you in the end hahaha

We experienced the game together the emotions of going 1 nil down the elation of equalising and seeing me bouncing up and down on the couch screaming and then the utter disappointment of Spain taking a 2 – 1 lead late in the game and winning the game and trophy. 

I have to say I loved sharing this evening with my daughter even if we did not get the result we’d hoped for….!

Lincoln came home exhausted after school sports day having been involved practically all day and was not too keen to gather ant remaining momentum to go to cricket practice later. The weather would probably have put paid to it anyway but I felt it was probably going to be a step too far anyway…?

We had heard from his sister that one of his class had slapped him at school so I broached the subject with him once he’d had time to get changed and he told me a boy from his class was not taking part as he usually would have been so Lincoln asked if he was OK, only for the boy to tell Lincoln to “Fuck off you American Cunt!” and slap him across the face while doing so.

To Lincoln’s absolute credit he walked away gathered himself and went and told a teacher what had just occurred. The teacher told both boys to write down their accounts of what happened and after considering them said there was not enough evidence to reprimand either so go back to as you were…

Wait, what? So Lincoln is a liar then and the fact that he is white and his nationality was used does not matter that has no racist connotations and the physical violence is to be dismissed as it never happened ?

If Lincoln had been black and the N word was used instead of American what do we think would have happened then, what would have been done when his Mom emailed the school then?

Consider how Lincoln felt not being believed

Consider how his Mom felt being told her son had not been assaulted or racially abused

I feel proud that he did not retaliate and he had the courage to do the right thing and tell a teacher but I am enraged that he is now in their eyes a liar.

Consider how Lincoln will behave next time something like this happens why would he restrain himself and why if he did would he bother telling anyone if they are not going to believe him.

What has he been taught today?

At 3am this morning I was in the middle of a dream, which I can not remember the topic of, it ended with me being punched in the face, slightly concerning to think what the hell was I dreaming about to warrant physical violence? The weird thing was it actually hurt, I actually felt pain on my chin and then either side of my jaw which woke me up, only to find Jamie’s elbow resting on my jaw as she snored away next to me. 

I was confused, being ripped from my slumber, trying to understand whether I had given her any reason to attempt such an MMA style ‘spinning elbow knockout’ move on me or was I just still asleep. The fact that she was snoring, blissfully unaware that she had potentially fractured my jaw, was proof enough that it was an “accident”