Lincoln came home exhausted after school sports day having been involved practically all day and was not too keen to gather ant remaining momentum to go to cricket practice later. The weather would probably have put paid to it anyway but I felt it was probably going to be a step too far anyway…?
We had heard from his sister that one of his class had slapped him at school so I broached the subject with him once he’d had time to get changed and he told me a boy from his class was not taking part as he usually would have been so Lincoln asked if he was OK, only for the boy to tell Lincoln to “Fuck off you American Cunt!” and slap him across the face while doing so.
To Lincoln’s absolute credit he walked away gathered himself and went and told a teacher what had just occurred. The teacher told both boys to write down their accounts of what happened and after considering them said there was not enough evidence to reprimand either so go back to as you were…
Wait, what? So Lincoln is a liar then and the fact that he is white and his nationality was used does not matter that has no racist connotations and the physical violence is to be dismissed as it never happened ?
If Lincoln had been black and the N word was used instead of American what do we think would have happened then, what would have been done when his Mom emailed the school then?
Consider how Lincoln felt not being believed
Consider how his Mom felt being told her son had not been assaulted or racially abused
I feel proud that he did not retaliate and he had the courage to do the right thing and tell a teacher but I am enraged that he is now in their eyes a liar.
Consider how Lincoln will behave next time something like this happens why would he restrain himself and why if he did would he bother telling anyone if they are not going to believe him.
What has he been taught today?