We arrived at the airport just as storm Lillie blew through so after driving to the top of the multi storey car park which was open to the elements we dashed to the lifts for shelter. At the bottom we then had to brave torrential rain to get inside Terminal 3 and join the rest of Hungary Mission Group drenched with rain but made it worse with tears as we sent them off on their adventure.
Driving home was quiet for a while before we started convincing ourselves that they’d be fine which we did quite well until we saw the havoc reaked by the storm and although I knew it had passed already it was still very windy. Having to navigate huge branches blocking the roads and drive over all the smaller debris just to get home I thought it best to stay outwardly positive and confident because any sign doubt would not help Momma bear
Once home the weather actually improved throughout the day and after making ourselves some breakfast and taking Billy for a walk we sat on the sofa and took a little napette’ before spend the day pottering cleaning the house and I then got a chance to go to me shed and do a bit in there too, Jamie made some green chilli for later
It’s going to be weird without rhem both but it will be nice to spend some time with Jamie and just be together even though I know I won’t be her first thought ever and especially while the children are away she’s a mom first but I accept that and we just work because of it.
We had lazy evening, taking Billy into town then back along the canal stopping at the Kings Lock for a cheeky pint (or two) before home tea and a film to nod off to….