I got a “Good news, you’ve won a prize!” email this morning from the Lottery and I had that. Oh my gosh I wonder how much, 30 second feeling while I found and opened the app and logged in.

I had actually won £30 the biggest win I have had for years. Although I only occasionally have a go on the lottery, it was a pleasant feeling to win more than I actually staked for once

Ironically, Reagan mentioned that I owe her 4 shifts worth of pay £24 so in one hand out the other…

If we didn’t have weather we’d have nowt to talk about well the weather since cutting me mums lawn on Monday has been “rainy” ranging from annoyingly damp to horrendously torrential the latter being usually when Billy needs a walk.

It might be the last cut of her lawn this year but it’s like I won a little by getting it done before the weather changed…or maybe not?

A little project to extend my shed to the end of the existing roof has been mulling over in me head for a few days. I am never going to go any further with the bar idea so the roofing wasted and would be ideal if I stuck some footings in framed it up and extended my shed.

It could house the extraction and create alot more storage or just space….?

Went to mow me mums lawn tonight because there won’t be many more opportunities this year because the weather is drawing in as well as the nights. It rained all day yesterday scuppering my chance to walk Billy up to her house and getting it done but tonight after a dry windy day I spied my chance and took it.

As a kid it was my playground a a cricket pitch a football field tennis and badminton court motocross circuit you name it we played on it.

Today it’s still massive but for different reasons the main one is its like mowing a field that if you don’t getting on it regular it is a maul even for me, but it’s worth the effort  because it makes me happy!


It’s been a long off season, the @broncos last game was a loss against the @raiders (hawk tuah) 7th January, but let’s not think about that! ?

A new season and new hope tempered with the reality that we are rebuilding with a rookie quarterback @bonix10 who looks promising and under the tutelage of coach @sean.paytonofficial could prosper but it will take time!

The ‘success now’ culture we live in crushes talent unless results are instant, yes we won 3 preseason games but the real test starts tonight in Seattle, not an easy start to a career but we will hopefully start to see a foundation to build on?

The fan in me thinks maybe a win…?

Anyway, I will be watching and cheering as always

Jamie arrived home from her pastoral meeting where she is hoping to become a preacher, I was in the garden and as she walked towards me she was beaming.

She looked happier than I can ever remember with a smile that was uncontrollable.

She proceeded to explain how she had received really great feedback and that not only was she scheduled to preacher for the first time in November she will do the whole service on the 16th anniversary of her arrival here to live.

It is amazing, or maybe not(?) how far she has come since arriving and it is so good to see her flourishing every single day

A short week helped both Reagan and Lincoln’s transition into school routine again.

Reagan had her breakfast with the headteacher for volunteering at the library which was really great to be recognised for.

Lincoln came and informed us that he has been chosen as a school ambassador and will represent the school later this month.

As first week go, I am not sure it could have gone any better!

It’s only day two of term but Reagan has already impressed the school because she volunteered to work some shifts o er the summer holidays and the school found out about it and recognised her efforts and invited her to a celebration breakfast tomorrow.

After the summer holidays Reagan and Lincoln finally went back to school, the former has been looking forward to it but I am not so sure about the latter…? They both got up on their respective alarms and started to get ready only to find that her shirts would not take a tie and he had already grown out of his new trousers, but no drama Reagan got her old shirt and he got his old trousers and made do until we (mom) could sort it out, which is such a grown up response!

We obviously had to take the obligatory “back to school photos” and they look very smart even knowing about the above drama. 

Reagan begins year 10 the first of two important years leading up to taking her GCSEs and Lincoln starts year 8 already a second year veteran of high school which prompts the saying; “Where does the time go?”

While Mommy was worrying about getting two children ready to go back to school tomorrow, all I had on my mind was ‘are the runners on my old drawer I used when I first started work made from hard wood?’

I couldn’t wait to get home and go get it out of the bottom shed and take look because I need a couple of pieces to use as runners on a table saw sled I want make. As I arrived home excited Jamie greeted me by saying “I am just nipping to the store, when I come home I will have to iron all the school shirts, cook our teas and then clean our bedroom, if you wanna help but you don’t have to!”

Now I had a choice to go to my shed or do what she told me I “didn’t have to do”

I eventually did get out to my shed and found the wood which i sallvaged to use but let’s just say Mommy didn’t need to iron any shirts or wash up empty the bins etc

She is adamant she didn’t tell me to do anything but let’s get it right…she did lol