I learned more about a work colleague in three and a half hours today than I had learned in 8 months and all it took was to listen without prejudice, something I have learned from Jamie.
A young lad that doesn’t talk a lot, very clever but everyone introduced him as autistic and not talkative is just how expected him to be but our employer has left us the last remaining out of 8.
Maybe that changed things but today I arranged a meeting to discuss the tickets on a list to see if between us we could close of as many tickets and showing trust in his opinion, being confident in the solutions he was giving and most of all listening to what he had to say just opened the floodgates.
At 18:30 an hour and half after I should have signed off for Christmas I reluctantly had to sign off because I had things to do but as I did I knew so much about him and I think he loved telling me his story without being judged and in return I told him my story.
It was probably the best way to finish for Christmas because it made me feel good too…