I did not publish a blog yesterday the first day I haven’t for a few years now, I wrote one, but it was too emotional when I read it back so left it in drafts. I titled it “If I had a pair of wings” because I regretted what I had done earlier in the day and it was eating at me from the inside. Reagan is the one of three people that are the corner stone of my happiness and such a superb intelligent bright and beautiful human being who I am in awe of every single day, but she has the ability to push every one of my buttons.
She just makes me so frustrated and angry by doing nothing, she just does nothing unless it directly affects her in a good way? If she is getting something or having money spent on her, if the activity benefits her she’s adorable but anything else she is not interested and goes out of her way to make everyone else’s lives a misery?
I picked her and Lincoln up from church and from the moment they got into the car she was nipping at him, but I did not intervene, this is just sibling rivalry after all, but he dibs bath first and an argument ensued with Reagan protesting that he can’t do that, and I said nothing. On entering the house she proceeded to upset everyone in one way or another until I could not bite my tongue anymore…
The next 5 minutes I regret, I lost my temper and to be fair Reagan stood her ground which was pretty ballsy if I am honest but unfortunately she has to abide by the rules she has to know her boudries and throwing stuff can not be tollerated so she lost her phone for an hour. THis being a consequence to actions that do not fit what Mommy and I would like.
I was so mad I was literally shaking and I am sure I would have been frightening looking which is not how I want to be but is unfortunately exactly how I am.
When I get like this Mommy Reagan and Lincoln close ranks and leave me to deal with my emotions while they just get one with being a family, which is how it should be.
My Shed needs to be myspace and somewhere I can go and chill. I don’t need wings to get there nor do I want wings anytime soon, I just feel so bad that I shout so much…so long as we are all healthy that’s all that matters, except being happy is important too!