Didn’t feel like a Monday when I got up but it did feel like yesterday a bit of a slow start but soon got going with a walk up Lyme Beds with Billy and Jamie who had reached “freedom day” I was fine going up there but COVID soon took all the energy out of me and the walk back was a struggle….more of a struggle today because Jamie dragged me around the Poperty John’s, Cledford Bridge, Canal walk after Lyme Beds which took it out of me but only when I sat did I realise it!
Once I sat down it was like I was done, it’s such a strange virus I don’t feel ill but once the energy’s gone it’s gone and I have suffered headaches, I have not noticed any other symptoms that I can think of? I go back to work tomorrow and at least I am working from home and should be ok to “take things easy” on the end of the phone but if I was required to go to the office I would probably call in sick.
Lincoln tested negative for the second successive day so he will return to school tomorrow and I think it will do him good because he is bored isolating and Jamie pointed out today that he does like XBOX but I think it’s a lot to do with boredom and not being allowed outside to play and given the option he jumped at returning to school.
Reagan did not test today but her 10th day is tomorrow so she should be able to return to school Wednesday and I think she is pleased she gets another day off especially because Lincoln is going back tomorrow.
Jamie although free to go out is still suffering the effects of having COVID and not booking gym sessions until definitely ready, but tomorrow she starts her new job with London Womens Clinic and becomes “employed” again and I think if she used up all her energy in an early morning gym session would mean an awfully long work day if she feels like I do just going for a walk so I reckon its a good decision for this week at least.
Tomorrow is another day hopefully a better day health wise for me and all the family fingers crossed!