A few weeks ago Jamie overheard one side a of a phone call I was on and remarked that she had never heard me being so rude to someone which sort of shocked me but on reflection I thought I may have been but the person I was talking to was so frustratingly long winded in everything he says and will not shut up once he gets going and uses 1000 words to answer a yes no question <–more–>
I was in a meeting with the person again today but this time with two people from the company I work for and after 35 minutes of listening to this guy I looked at all the other people in the meeting and they were all doing something else non of them were looking at the screen and he’d moved onto a subject that was not linked to what the meeting was about, the others tried to intervene and bring the meeting to a close but he carried on so I couldn’t bite my lip any longer “Right I’m not interested in what you’re talking about now and I don’t have anymore time so lets get another meeting sorted for Monday” which brought the meeting to an abrupt end. I am not sure what the others thought about my rudeness but I just couldn’t listen any longer. My boss was in the meeting and her comment just before she left the meeting was “It’s like pulling teeth!”
I do not believe I am a rude person but this guy just talks and talks but says very little and after a while I just have to stop him and because I have been talking to him for weeks I know the only thing that works quickly is the cut him off abruptly, I am sure he’ll get over it I know I have…until Monday afternoon I guess?