When I am raging mad spit comes out of my mouth, I wish it was fire because that’s what should be coming out. This morning for the millionth time I asked Reagan to do something and yet against gave me attitude and told me “I will” but added that she was doing something at that particular moment. I had asked her last night to pick all her clothes up and put dirty ones in the basket and put clean ones away so when I got the same reply, with attitude, this morning I told her in no uncertain terms not to speak to me like that I didn’t get mad although I was angry I just left it with a stern talking to.
Having collected all the washing left in the basket to wash I noted non of it was Reagan’s school uniform so when she came down for breakfast I told her that I’d not seen any of her uniform, and Mommy added you need to go and get it so that it can be washed! Queue Reagan’s stock reply
“I am making toast I will do it later!”
“I’ll put your toast in, you go get your stuff” Mommy offered.
“Fine” Came Reagan’s reply with a cupboard door slam and a stomp out of the kitchen
2 minutes later she was sobbing I had lost my voice and Mommy had no idea what side to take, knowing I had gone to the extreme in laying down the law and knowing Reagan was upstairs frightened to come down.
She did come down when Mommy told her to and I calmly explained how I sorry for frightening her but I only got like that because for weeks of repeatedly asking her to do mundane things, receiving promises (with attitude) that the things will be done and them not being done I have reached the end of my tether with her. I asked her if the next time I ask her to do something would she just do it without attitude and we’ll be fine.
She didn’t reply, so I went for a walk…
I talk a lot in my blog about wanting my children to be the best they can be and that is important to me but it starts at home and Reagan is very lazy and thinks the world revolves around her and she needs to know that it doesn’t but, if you give more than you take it can feel like the it does because you have earned it. I love her to bits but at the moment that is not easy to do!
I am not proud of who I become when I get mad and it doesn’t happen often but when it does you should know it’s taken a lot to get me there….Reagan!