Entries by ALB1970

Happiness and Pleasure

In my opinion I have both but they are so different pleasure is a moment like watching Reagan riding horses or watching Lincoln play cricket or watching Mommy burst in after circuits beaming because she smashed it that morning. Happiness is a state of being I strive for and believe I achieve but it is […]

World War 3…Nope!

I suppose I should talk about Russia and the fact that they have invaded the Ukraine which has turned the world against Vladimir Putin imposing sanctions on Russia and the Russian people. Now I am not informed enough to know what is happening on the ground but the headlines are terrible showing all Ukrainians men […]


I struggled to blog tonight I was tired and inspiration was lacking but there was one conversation that stood out earlier on my walk with Billy. A mate stopped me and asked how the abstinence was going and I smiled and said “3 and a half months now thanks for asking!” it felt good to […]

British Citizenship

At that moment Jamie decided to message Alan Forster on MySpace she could not have dreamt what the next 14 years, 2 months, and 2 weeks could hold for her sat there in her bedroom? Could that 26 year old girl have even imagined that by March 2022 she would be a British Citizen? She […]

Lazy Sunday

Taking Billy for a walk is something I love to do and only occasionally is it a chore, usually that is when it’s pissing down, but 99% of the time it just gets me out and walking when without a dog you wouldn’t bother? This morning (Sunday) after a little bit of a lie in […]

Closet clean Saturday

Today shall be known as Clear out your closet Saturday, for a few weeks now I have been annoyed at my own untidiness and mentioned to Jamie that I am going to clean out my closet but I never got around to it. After taking Lincoln to Gymnastics I had good intentions of finishing the […]


After hearing how much Reagan enjoyed swimming last weekend and how much fun my family had yesterday I thought the offer of joining them tonight was something I wanted to do and I am so glad I did. Mommy had described how Reagan had played like a child at the swimming pool last week I […]

Half term fun day

I spent today working from home while Jamie and the kids went off shopping at Cheshire Oaks followed by Spiderman movie, when they all got home they were all very tired but when they told me what they got up to there is no wonder. Apparently shopping required two circuits of the mall, a sushi […]

What made me smile today

I have the photos I choose each year as potentials and the photo below appeared while I was sat at my desk at work and it made me smile for two reasons the first because I know Reagan and Lincoln were enjoying the beach so much after wandering around Newquay all day it was great […]

Have you got a waiting space mate?

The scene is that Jamie had come to England for a holiday and I wanted to make it the trip of a lifetime so we were packing in as much in two weeks as we could so after visiting Edinburgh for a couple of days I wanted to surprise her by visiting St James park […]