Entries by ALB1970

New Corsa

My car is a Vauxhall Corsa 2015 ‘Limited Edition’ in Black which I have had since 2018 it has 71000+ miles on it, I like the car but it is on a PCP contract and the bank sent me a letter last week saying that I have two remaining payments of £114 and then the […]

Checkin’ off them chores

On Thursday after realising a Nintendo Switch was within his grasp and that he can earn it sooner by doing chores Lincoln has turned into the chores King lol Room tidied, clothes put away, living room and stairs hoovered….”What’s next ma?”

Telling the truth

Today I filled out a form to enroll in the dentist surgery that Jamie Reagan and Lincoln use and there was all the usual questions that I have answered many times before about my past and present health but today I told the truth when answering ALL the questions which I have never done before […]

Economics lesson

Mommy told me she was summoned by Lincoln as she was about to leave for an hair appointment… “I’ve decided for my birthday I would like a Nintendo Switch” Lincoln informed her As she left she told me this and it got me thinking about how much Lincoln has saved in Go Henry, in his […]

They will come

Mommy sits in her office all day so we bought her a bird feeder station for Christmas and she has prayed for birds to come and feast on the nuts fat balls seeds etc that she puts out each day and this week they have started to feed, it’s taken a while but they say […]

A Decent QB finally

As well documented I have become a fanatical fan of the Denver Broncos I love following the Broncos but with a season only 17 weeks long there is a lot of off season especially when we haven’t troubled the post season since winning Superbowl 50 So I listen to podcasts and read any websites that […]

75 Question to ask your parents before they die (Part 1)

I have wanted to answer 75 questions that I would like my parents to answer before they die and I have started to do it beginning with 25 questions about my ‘Childhood’ and I will follow them with ‘Family’ and finally ‘Reflection’ I believe the answers will be a good benchmark for how I think […]

London March 2022

What a weekend, I love my family and life in general, I would not want to change what I have for the world but it was so nice to spend this weekend alone with Jamie, just the two of us. We had arranged for Reagan and Lincoln to stay at Nannies and for Billy to […]

The school called…

“We would like to let you know that Reagan informed the school that a pupil was in possession of a forbidden item and the school have thanked her for telling the truth” Woah what? Our immediate thought was ‘snitches get stitches’ Who has she told on, and What was this person in possession of? Is […]