Entries by ALB1970

The Gadget Show (Cont’d)

Still not had my Dash-Cam fitted which is annoying considering I feel it was over indulgent and since Sunday we have had quotes to get the bathroom tiles fixed and the patio door fixed which combined will cost over a grand plus add on to that the cost of living soaring with energy prices doubling […]

False dawns

This moment happens every year around the Equinox when the sun comes out and the frosty morning air is quickly warmed giving the impression that spring has sprung and summer is on its way. To Jamie though it means we can have all our meals on a blanket on the lawn because its summer again […]

The best….?

I was looking at the piece of paper below today and remembering how I felt when I wrote it, and having read a comment on an older post from 2014 over the weekend it got me thinking about how I feel today? I still feel like the luckiest person alive and how wonderful life is […]

Always the sun

On Friday the weather was markedly better the sun came out and everything just seemed better even if nothing else had changed I just felt better, empowered even, like I wanted to do stuff? I tried to fix the door, I mowed the lawn, I prepared the bathroom wall behind the tiles that had fallen […]

When one door closes

I locked the patio door last week as I went to bed only to find the next morning that I couldn’t unlock it and spent half of last week trying turn the key without success, and without a clue what was wrong I asked Dave Coe to come and take a look to see if […]

The Gadget Show

I am a bugger for a gadget, and so is Jamie actually, but it just seemed so indulgent to buy a Dash-Cam just because I want one but I have just invoiced for a couple of months work which will pay for it but I had to wait for couple of things to fall into […]

Hotter than a smack heads spoon

New boiler day and it was pretty painless, Sean the plumber turned up on time and set about his task very efficiently and fitted the boiler and 7 thermostatic valves by 3pm, job done. The first thing we noticed was how hot the radiators got, they were red hot and soon warmed the house up […]

All the Eights

It’s still exciting to have a new car and for it to feel so new because of its very low mileage. Today I noticed the milometer was a bit special…I know how sad this makes me but it made me smile today!

Boiling Point

Since I moved in to this house the boiler has been OK at best and replaced with a second-hand boiler once, and I have had numerous issues with it but always been able to get the issues fixed but in both it’s carnations it has lasted 25 years in my ownership and some time pre […]

Software update?

Went to pick my car up earlier today and love it especially because its the same almost identical to the untrained eye. The ‘infotainment’ or car radio as it used to be called is one of the big upgrades I was looking forward to and although initially my would not connect, it did when I […]