Entries by ALB1970


We sat on the sofa tonight watching Masterchef and I just thought how fantastic it is that I get to do this simple enjoyable relaxing thing every night with my best friend in the world. We sat there shooting the shit, taking the piss and just having a laugh being us. Jamie said out loud […]

Lawless video

The schools are all on half term and this is the second week off so boredom is setting in, and a gang of lads have been filmed outside the empty Jacks building vandalising the public toilets there and it has been posted on the Middlewich Community Page on Facebook. That means the children can be […]

10th April

It’s been my birthday for the last 52 years and I don’t ask for much, I was hoping for a lazy day and Sunday lunch at the Kinderton with a couple of Billy walks at either end of the day and that is exactly what I got. My family is important to me, more than […]

Bathroom prep

The bathroom wall now prepped, I called Dale who is going to plaster it and mentioned the ceiling and could he plaster over the aertex and he said yes no problem but that will need PVAing before plastering so yet again I found myself in the bathroom covered in dust. I spent all morning sanding […]

Rude boy?

A few weeks ago Jamie overheard one side a of a phone call I was on and remarked that she had never heard me being so rude to someone which sort of shocked me but on reflection I thought I may have been but the person I was talking to was so frustratingly long winded […]

A joke taken too serious?

After last nights “incident” I really did forget about it very quickly although a little unnerved at the time it really didn’t bother me once they had left the pub but today I kept thinking I could make it into a joke that I could share on our team WhatsApp by going into minute tedious […]

Night of two halves

Wednesday means pool and we were at home against bottom of the table Boars Head and we were winning 3 – 1 and I was reffing Mike Coe’s frame when their guy committed a foul, which I called. Their player disagreed with my decision and began remonstrating to me that I was incorrect, which I […]

Took a COVID test tonight

Over the last couple of days I have suffered from a splitting headache on the right side of my head and I haven’t had a headache since having COVID at Christmas I didn’t connect the two but Jamie kept making the comment and it got me thinking enough to take a test. It was negative […]

BCS70 1970 British Cohort Study

I listened to a podcast called ’50 Years of Life in Britain’ which explores the contribution BCS70 participants have made to improving British science and society, a study I am part of and have been since birth. The first episode explains why the Cohort study is so important and how New Labour saw a graph produced […]

PVA who’d ‘ave thunk?

I think I may have made a very expensive mistake I watched a YouTube video about the science behind attaching a tile to a plastered wall which I have been doing maybe once a year for the last few years and always succeeded until they fell off again sometimes after a couple of months and […]