Entries by ALB1970

Train delays

Sat in the car at 11 oclock at night waiting for Jamie to arrive from London….in Birmingham was not how I saw today panning out? On the hottest day of the year with the tempature around 28? I expected to be writing about Lincolns sports day. I watched all the year 4 5 & 6s […]

You can take the girl out of the city…

The following photo sums up, for me how Jamie feels about how her life is today with the freedom her new job gives her. It is a selfie taken as she walked back to her hotel in Paddington, London it shows just how happy she is to be in city, she is a city girl […]

Nannie babysitting

With Jamie down in London I had to ask Nannie if she would babysit Reagan and Lincoln for a couple of hours, while I went to play pool. She gladly agreed to come over here knowing I wouldn’t be late and that both children are pretty easy now, but not quite old enough to leave […]

Harvey Street calls

With Jamie’s new job comes the need for her to work in practice occasionally and today we took her to Crewe railway station and dropped her off. She is off down to London to work a day at London Bridge and two days at Harley Street leaving us to fend for ourselves which I know […]

The Dentist

Went to the Dentist for the first time in I have no idea how long definitely years but got a pretty good assessment considering. He could tell I put the effort into cleaning them and apart from a bit of discolouration they are in good condition and after a scale and polish was told see […]

15 minutes for a lifetime

I went Von’s grave today for the first time in too long and was dismayed at how it looked, designed her headstone so that I didn’t have to visit every week and throw away dead flowers and replace with new ones and I realised I had not even bothered to spend 5 minutes there this […]

Wasted day

With no plans, Saturday meandered through getting out of bed at 9:30 put a load of washing in and then took Billy for a walk. Cleaned the kitchen with an eye on the clock because Lincoln had gymnastics, the hour between 12 & 1 was not wasted I think if he applied himself more he […]


Lay in the bath tonight and watched the first episode of Pistol the biopic series about the Sex Pistols and was pleasantly surprised having only heard it reviewed by John Lydon who was not consulted about the project so detests it. Anyway, I am looking forward to watching the next 5 episodes and how the […]

Tool talk

Got a call from me brother tonight and we got on about tools something I love to talk about but my interest in everything tools pales into insignificance where our kid is concerned. He’d seen my shed building project on Facebook and was keen to know where I was upto and my plans for what’s […]

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207 Days Sober

The numbers big 207 or 7 months (almost), no matter who I tell these numbers to they all react, either shocked or impressed and mot say they couldn’t do it! I have to say barring the odd craving I don’t find it hard to be sober. I have bought some tins of appletizer as a […]