Entries by ALB1970

It’s not easy, but

Jamie is where she should be right now I am sure she feels selfish for extending her trip to be at a sad family event to 3 weeks but it was £800 to be there for a weekend or for 3 weeks so some quality time alone with her Mom and Dad is exactly what […]


I went to me shed tonight to finish off the second cabinet which I’d been desperate to do since Tuesday but life was in the way. Having the right tools is most of the solution but having them accessible and ultimately stored where you can use them is the rest. I think I am getting […]

Help me, please!

We seem to have given up on this? Clothes I washed thrown on floor towels not put away no beds made cups glasses cans festering shoes all over the place the kitchen with lunch stuff just left and dirty dishes not washed IF YOU DO NOT DO YOUR “DAILY” YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PHONE FOR […]

This is how it’s going to work

Sat at work I planned my evening because I needed to rip 2 pieces of a full sheet of 18mm plywood which meant a lot set up just for two cuts but needed to be done straight after work because it had to be done outside. When team Forster is in da house no problem […]

Cabinets 2

The following photo sums up where I am right now. I dreamed about getting back in me shed after work but had to be dad first and get the washing hung up, Billy walked and tea cooked first. I got out at around 7pm and got the second cabinet glued up and squared so tomorrow […]


After spending a really sunny afternoon in the garden ripping down a sheet of plywood to make a couple of cabinets for my shed to carry my drill press sanders and sharpeners I spent today in me shed creating one and can’t wait to get back in there tomorrow to continue… It rained all day […]

Home is not home

I have and will continue to make my first thought everyday to be make sure Jamie is happy living here in England but a comment by her Mom as Jamie flew to Denver, generated a response that made me feel really good. Mom: What time will you be home, James? Jamie: The 11th October I […]

Safe travels

If you love someone, sometimes you have to let them go…this morning I reluctantly let go of @jamierae09 at Sandbach to travel across the pond to be with her Mom for a few weeks to heal her heart and replenish her soul. Safe travels dude, see you soon!

The time has come

Not even sure Jamie had anticipated tonight coming so quickly but I had to watch her packing, a big suitcase half full, feeling good that she is going to be able to spend some quality time with her Mom and family even if it is tinged with sadness. Both of us in some way sad, […]

A point

The Middlewich and District Pool League started again tonight and we played at home against Dishers a good team with lots of good players. Not an easy start to the season especially because we finished bottom last year and did not win a single point throughout the entire summer league but we came out fighting […]