Entries by ALB1970

Harvest the Crop

It was only when I cropped the photo below as my lock screen on my phone that it changed from a nice touristy snap…. ….into one of my all time favourite photos of Reagan and Lincoln! They not only look happy in this photo, they actually were having the best time and I loved spending […]

A moment in history

Today we were given the day off as a Bank Holiday to pay our respects to HRH Queen Elizabeth II and watch the state which was blanket coverage on every station. I chose the BBC and they did their usual superb job and I basically watched it all day and it made me proud to […]

She’s a class lass

A boat ride was the main event today but Reagan and Lincoln were desperate to visit The Clink museum by the hotel first which was met with mixed reactions while there from interesting to terrified and most in between too…but we’ll worth a visit if you’re ever in the area. The boat took us slowly […]

Seat number 11

Lincolns birthday breakfast was a little bit different this morning because we woke up in a Premier Inn in London so both children were up and excited to find out what an all you can eat breakfast was like. We forget sometimes that these types of experiences we take for granted are new and exciting […]

London bound

What an adventure this could be travelling down to London for Lincoln’s birthday that we booked a few weeks ago when he said that he didn’t want   a party. Mommy was due to speak at a conference and had declined but being the best Mommy in the world and resourceful suggested going to the West […]

Forgot to blog

Damn I forgot to blog yesterday and my streak ends at 222 its only the second time I have not blogged since starting my #oneyearsober 307 days ago, sad but another streak begins… [Edit] In July 2023 I realised I can repair the streak so I am back here to move this blog from 16th […]

Three cushions

Sometimes it’s not as enjoyable as it should be to go out on a Wednesday night to play pool because the pool can get in the way of spending time with me mates but I have been doing it for nigh on 40 years and they are a great bunch so why stop now? That […]

Broncos shit the bed

What should have been a win in Seattle turned into a mess of poor coaching poor discipline missed opportunities and catastrophic clock management, there were plenty of positives but they mean nothing when you lose a game, you could have scored at least 3 touchdowns to take the game out of reach, by a point. […]

Game day finally

Laid here in bed already before 8pm listening to Bill Burr podcast basically calming down to hopefully get some sleep before 01:15am when the Broncos kick off in Seattle for their 2022 season opener. As always filled with hope that Denver have put together at least a playoff capable roster with a HOF quarterback Russell […]

Lincoln wants to be responsible!

In year 6 being g the eldest in the school they can take on extra responsibility not least taking on the roll of Head Boy of the whole school which Mommy and me have encouraged him to go for and apply for a responsibility if he does not get chosen. He really wants to be […]