Entries by ALB1970


Before you went walking I had so much sympathy for you but not after going walking and making it worse….! Sympathy is never what I look for when I am ill and even though there have been moments this week that I have felt like giving it the bottom lip and letting Jamie look after […]

Phoenix 5

We walked around a reservoir in Wales I don’t have a lot to say about today other than I felt poorly all day. I was bringing up the rear, all the way around and kept having to stop to eat otherwise I would have collapsed and then after 45 minutes in the pub had to […]

Peter in Northwich

I have been reading Dels book and looking forward to this gig for a few weeks and thought I would have already had a drink by the time tonight arrived but being ill all week even Thanksgiving yesterday was dry. I knew I was going walking tomorrow so again thought it best to go dry […]

Thanksgiving 2022

What am I thankful for, my family I am so thankful to have Jamie in my life she has given me so much and makes me happy. The BEST thing she has given me is children and two of the BEST too and the four of us can achieve anything. A message for my children, […]

Feeling better

It’s the little things that can make the biggest difference Jamie told me that Reagan had noticed things not getting done and realised that I do quite a lot “Daddy does a lot doesn’t he!” That she noticed was enough to make me feel a bit better! After that, I kept feeling a little bit […]


As I mentioned yesterday my body seemed like it was fighting something off little did I know all hell was going break loose overnight. As me guts finally allowed me some respite I decided to go to bed, trying not to disturb Jamie as I did, as she was already asleep. At about 02:30 I […]

The devil in a glass

I mentioned to Jamie that I maybe fighting something off right now, because I have been feeling progressively worse all day to the point where I needed to take a couple of flu tablets and a bottle of Lucazade after work to give me a little pep up to get through until bedtime. She immediately […]


As I have said before I have loved NFL since the early 80s and back then my team was probably New England but probably not seriously just a team doing well enough to get to a Superbowl kind of thing, what I needed was my team and it was only going to be one once […]


I decided today was going to be the day, I had been thinking about it a lot when to break the streak but I had reservations so since Monday it’s been a bone of contention in my mind I was struggling to resolve? To become someone who drinks again is as big of a decision […]

Not just for Christmas

They say a dog is for life and I know that I also know that when everyone wanted a puppy they were not looking at dark winter mornings and nights when it’s cold and wet. They were looking at at summer afternoons running in long grass by a river… Billy is a great dog most […]