Entries by ALB1970

Theagles above all

The Broncos introduced the 20th Head Coach today as Sean Payton and it was a refreshing press conference by a competent driven coach who not only sounds like he k ows what he’s talking about but has been there and done it with The Saints he probably does know what he’s talking about! Lots of […]

Heavy burden

Having arranged with Lincoln’s school, on Thursday to allow him to store his saxophone and ukulele at school so he didn’t have to carry them from and to Nannies on Friday while we went to London I let him down today. We had agreed that I would meet him out of school to help carry […]

How the world works

Reagan told me one of her dreams this weekend and I truly hope all her dreams come true because right now, today, she can do and be anything she wants to be while she still has the innocence youth and life has not tainted her, all she has to do is work hard and everything […]

R.I.P. Pin

Got a call tonight off the Grim Reeper or as I’ve known him all me life, Lance. If Lance phones me someone has usually died and tonight I assumed he was calling to tell me Debbie Farrington had passed away but I knew about that one so when I picked the phone up I was […]

Best part of London

As we sat in Borough Market this morning eating our doughnuts with coffee for me and whatever Chai Latte is for her, she asked ‘What was the best thing about the trip so far?’ and my answer was immediately ‘Spending it with you!’ I have had the best time with Reagan when it’s just been […]

Little Miss Grown Up

Travelled down to London Thursday night due to the train strikes happening today and went to the  American embassy first thing to get Reagan’s American passport renewed which was all done a dusted by 10am. Mommy was working for the rest of the day, so Reagan and I went to explore London starting with Harrods, […]

16 & counting

The 2nd February gets easier as every year passes, they said time will heal but in 2007 I didn’t believe them but it does and 16 years on I was reminded by Facebook that it was the anniversary as soon as I switched my phone on. I know I would have remembered without social media […]


Always trying, is how I seem to live, no matter what I am doing I am always trying for instance tonight at pool I just wanted to do my best and was unlucky. When I walk through the door after work I try to do something to help the household like laundry or tidying, at […]

Dry January 2023

The last few days I have I have thought a lot about drinking again and the questions are always the same but I have to make the answers fit how I am feeling. Today would have been ridiculous not complete my second dry January on the trott and when I feel like this I have […]

What have you done today!

After last year Lincoln was the first name down for Young Voices 2023 and tonight we went to the AO Arena to watch him sing along with 8500 other stars. Heather Small was also on the bill and many other entertainers but there was only one person we were watching in the whole arena It […]