Entries by ALB1970


Today was a struggle I layed in, we walked, we shopped, I lazed then took Billy but did I find joy? Tonight I spent half an hour grooming from top to bottom all unnecessary hair removed followed by a shower and some aftershave and deodorant. I felt good afterwards and I felt joy, it made […]

Finding Joy

Jamie said to me this morning “you have to find joy because work is not your life!” and it made me realise that I really have forgotten what brings me joy? What I hadn’t realised was how much being appreciated for doing a good job at work is important to me. That should not matter […]

Home again

We just sat and watched TV I put an American comedienne on called Karen Morgan and she was funny and after BBC4 had a Queen night I watched Jamie looked at her phone and occasionally looked at the TV and slept for a while. She’d been in London since Thursday afternoon and I went to […]

Pressure and Stress?

I am not so sure feeling crushed under the pressures of life is exactly what is going on but it does feel like it, my chest feels tight all the time and a lot of that at the moment is coming from work and I know that’s stupid but I actually care what happens and […]

Work worries

Both Jamie and me seem to be suffering from work overload just now, I can only speak for myself, I am swamped with work at the moment which generally is fine but the thing that makes my work feel like it’s too much is that, I know it could be done in a way that […]


465 & out

I would have liked to have carried my bat but at the crease, it takes unbelievable concentration to bat for so long and I have let other thoughts creep in over the last few weeks and tonight I was clean-bowled, furniture rearranged, mopped up, sent back to the pavilion. Looking back won’t change the fact […]

One of my fears…

Rather than dwelling on the past, we should make the most of today, of the here and now, doing all we can to provide pleasant memories for the future…If you are still in the process of raising children be aware that the tiny fingerprints that show up on almost every newly cleaned surface, the toys […]

Mommy’s C25K

Second day of Mommy’s couch to 5k adventure and I am always going to help and support her in anything she does but on a Sunday morning all I had to do was follow her along the canal to Clive Lane and walk back with her. She ran and walked me and Billy followed and […]

Breakfast at Bon Bon

She can be charming when she wants to be and after spending last weekend, really not seeing eye to eye Reagan realised with the help of Mommy that she was in the wrong, even if she doesn’t think so (I was in the wrong too) she needs to build a bridge. I didn’t need her […]

Alone with booze

Jamie Reagan and Lincoln went to watch the film Titanic in 3d at the Odeon and although I love the film and I love spending time with my family I just don’t like going to cinema I tend to fall asleep if the film doesn’t grip me and if it does I am sat in […]