Entries by ALB1970


Today was 16 years since Jamie was granted her first Visa to come and live in the UK the reason we know that was because her friends son is thinking of going on a similar journey to ours by dating a lady from Colorado. Jamie told them about UKYankee a website dedicated to helping US […]

Best family night ever

An impromtu game of Yatzee after our tea on Saturday night ended up being one of the best family nights ever with lots of laughs “and no arguing” it was just fun.

Hair Up

A teenage boy and his hormones, this morning mommy found a distraught Lincoln crying because his hair would not style into the way he wanted. I remember it being tough at that age but I can’t say why everything and nothing most likely but I think I struggled because me dad had recently abandoned us […]

3 Quarters of dross?

Losing the first two games was easy to take because the Broncos are in a rebuild with a rookie quarterback which is likely to be painful getting worse before it gets better, but to win the next three made you think, maybe? I love watching the Broncos and how many emotions I go through watching […]


Jamie joked as I popped my head out of my shed “Is it good not to have to do it all yourself?” I had to get up without talking to her because she was so fast asleep earlier as she has been desperately trying to shake the jetlag before Monday so I left her to […]

Punkin patch

An annual trip to the Malpas punkin patch was such a let down and I am not sure if Reagan and Lincoln are a little bit too old for what’s on offer. Maybe the magic has gone but we also saw ageing props costumes and a maize maze that was just a walk through a […]

Happy Happy Happy

Could barely sleep and woke up about 04:10 and lay there until my alarm went off at 5am and checked flight tracker to see where she was. It said the arrival time was 06:35 three quarters of an hour earlier than planned, so I still had plenty of time for a brew before heading off […]

Just can’t wait

I just can not wait to get me best mate back tomorrow as I write this I am sooo excited I could burst!

Winner Winner

Tonight Steventons finally won a match, its been a long time coming but really pleased that everyone stuck at it and enjoyed the journey too. 7 3 against The Junction and what made that even better a young lad who plays for us got his first win too. Throughout the summer and four games in […]

Proud of you

Reagan and locked horns yet again this morning when she informed me that she did not want to go to school but I was adamant she had to and she dually went and stuck it out for a second day. I am not saying it was easy, it was tough but I told her I […]