Entries by ALB1970

Panic attacks

All day, I knew I would have to face all the people in the meeting who have made me feel worthless unheard and a dead man walking. All day I felt this tension inside me. I felt hungry even though I had a big breakfast, my breathing was erratic, I felt moments from tears and […]

Booked it, Packed it…

Well, after yesterday’s shopping for bits and a failure to pack anything today, we got the packing done even though we still have 2 days to go. It means most of the clothes are in but there’s lots of stuff we still need going to have to be packed on Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. […]

If proof were needed?

You can only realise true contentment in life until you live with your best friend, I feel pretty contented right now. There is no one I would rather spend time with than Jamie, and today I got to spend all afternoon with her… shopping! ….and I bloody loved it. She is so much fun to […]

Shit just got real

We made it to the weekend before, and now everyone is excited looking forward to travelling to America on Wednesday. Reagan’s first words this morning when Mommy asked her how many days, was “4 days and 17 hours” haha Lincoln told us at breakfast he wants to WhatsApp his class from the past when he […]


Although I have known for a long time that my worth at work is diminishing the last few days has opened more eyes than mine. The things that have been said and definitely the things I now have in black and white prove that there is no future for me at my place of employment. […]

There is nothing I wouldn’t do!

Reagan lost her PE kit earlier in the year, which Mommy replaced only for her to say last week she can not find her new PE kit, which this time also containing her trainers, which cost £50+ but in true Reagan fashion it’s not her fault, she’s looked everywhere someone MUST have stolen them! She […]

Rising above it all

Jamie worked till 8 tonight but still found time to cook herself and the kids some tea leaving me lots of time once I’d finished work and taken Billy, so I had an hour in me shed playing darts. A great way to unwind and forget about the 2 hour meeting I had to finish […]

Explaining timezones

Tonight, I tried to explain what time it will be at each stage of our journey, and it got confusing, so I I had to write it down. Basically we leave Manchester at 14:30GMT and arrive in Denver 06:04GMT but we have booked a hotel next to the airport so hopefully we can stay awake […]


It was really good to get away walking in the Lakes yesterday and enjoyed a night out last night too but this morning I was already looking forward to getting home again. I don’t think it’s a bad thing that if either me or Jamie go away alone, we always crave to come back to […]

Loughrigg Fell

A great day out in the Lake District firstly because although it was nice weather but also spending a day talking shite with me mates