Entries by ALB1970


Snow in Denver

April is a month where the weather can change frequently, “if you don’t like the weather in Colorado just wait 20 minutes” is never more true than springtime here in Denver. We had been warned about a storm while in Wyoming but got back yesterday to a glorious evening. We woke up to snow this […]


Weather turns?

With the threat of a storm, it was with trepidation that I opened the hotel room curtain at 5am, hoping it hadn’t arrived early. To my relief, although it was snowing, it was barely an inch deep plus no wind, so I went back to bed. At 7am, the snow had stopped, the temperature was […]


The Ranch

Drove up to Torrington to visit Jack & Linda on their ranch, after a long drive broken up by a stop at the state line for photos in front of the Wyoming, a shopping expo at Johnsons Corner and a burger at Longhorn Reagan had been talking about Western riding with Tyler for weeks, and […]


Smokin’ BBQ

Took the children to Washington Park to play for an hour before we had to prepare for the BBQ and took Jordyn too. The y had a whale of a time, and although it was cold in the shade, it was a glorious Colorado morning. When we got back Cliff was pulling his pork and […]


Fingers and Toes

Jetlag kept me honest last night, as I gave in to sleep after the restaurant, but as I crept to the toilet, I glanced at my watch it was midnight. So I was awake with 8 hours before morning so I cleaned my teeth and went back to bed and just tried to lay quietly […]


We are here

We left the hotel and drove to Grandma’s house taking in the mountains, mile high and lots of Mommy’s memories as ignored the satnav preferring to take i70 with its view of the city! Upon our arrival at Sherman St we found it was closed off so parked in the next street along and walked […]


Last leg

We arrived at the hotel, exhausted after 14 hours of travelling, and managed a few hours of sleep before our bodies said you need to be awake now. The children slept well which was good it will help with the jetlag Mommy and me slept until 6am but Mommy’s excitement got the better of her. […]


Mind your elbows

At 30,000ft halfway across the Atlantic ocean, we have just been served beef stroganoff that was palatable…just, the piece of bread it came with wasn’t. The seats are adequate to sit and read as I did for a while and even managed to snooze for an hour but trying to eat with your elbows never […]


12 hours to go

With work and school finished, we finalised our packing and tried to settle down and get some sleep before an early start to take the animals to pet prison. We will be fine but I feel nervous I had a bath and that calmed me a little but I just need to sleep so we […]