Entries by ALB1970


We’ve been cancelled.

We woke to rain and snow, so it was good that today was our leaving day. It was better to be travelling than sitting around moaning about the weather. I went to Micro Centre with Cliff, another chance to bond and get to know him, he has been a lot different this trip and I […]

The last meal

I had a flashback this afternoon as I sat chatting to Cliff out back and Jamie joined us, they were in conversation and I suddenly thought of a photo Jamie sent to me on arriving at her parents home for a Friday night BBQ. When I mentioned it she said oh yeh remember Dad when […]


The Cheesecake Factory

It was Jordyns birthday, so we planned on meeting him at the zoo later in the afternoon after he finished school. We had a couple things to do in the morning not least go get him present so we headed to Target Reagan wanted to go to Sophora and there was one next door so […]



A couple of months ago Jamie booked an Airbnb in Breckenridge to coincide with her moms and my birthday and it seemed so far off but all of a sudden we were in the car driving into the mountains. At this point I must mention the sheer panic at McDonald’s when Jamie lost her phone, […]


10th April 2023

My mother-in-law & me share a birthday & today is the first time we have been on the same continent to celebrate together. As birthdays go this was amazing, $2m house with a view that’s priceless, some great food later all washed down with red wine! It was hard to blog on the day because […]

10th Revisited

Another nip back in time to repair the streak today is 20th of July but I noticed last night that the streak is at 100 so I have come back to the 10th of April to poke a blog in to see if that repairs the streak! Ironically or beautifully I was too busy enjoying […]


Keith and Raul

Parker is such a lovely little town, and having spent the day there with Jamie’s very good friend Keith and his husband Raul, it will always be a special place for me. We ate lunch at Chilli’s before driving to the school where they both work to see what an American middle school looks like […]


Callie & Michelle

Finally met Michelle today, somebody I felt I had already met because we have so much in common in our Facebook friendship but when I was at her house a few years ago I only met her wife Callie. Jamie did visit them both in 2016 but I was in England, so it was really […]


Mile High Stadium

As days go, this was one of the best we did the tour of Mile High Stadium and got to go on to the field which was a dream come true! Yep the tour was great but to get to run about on the field for 10 minutes and take it all in was incredible […]


Dove Valley

“You have to have a passion!” On my bucket list for this trip was Dove Valley, even though I didn’t know if there was even a tour or anything to see. After a slow start, we lay on the bed and decided if we go now, the Broncos training facility was doable before the Jefferson […]